Democracy Impacts

  • UK House of Lords Pushes for EU Customs Membership

    May 23, 2018

    The BBC reports on the recent vote of the UK House of Lords to amend the government's EU withdrawal bill to require officials to inform Parliament about the steps they have taken to negotiate the UK's continued membership in a customs union with the EU after Brexit.

  • Legislators Criticize Closed Process for EC Appointment

    May 22, 2018

    The European Parliament has adopted a report calling on the European Commission (EC) to reassess the appointment of Martin Selmayr as the EC's Secretary-General, finding that the process of his selection was not transparent but rejecting an amendment calling for Selmayr to relinquish his title pending any such review.

  • EP Approves Measure on Party Transparency

    May 22, 2018

    The European Parliament (EP) has approved a set of proposals requiring greater transparency in EU-wide elections, including a requirement that national political parties include on their websites the logo and platform of their European affiliate and the "gender balance" of the party's membership in the EP.

  • Activists Criticize Report on EP Allowances

    May 21, 2018

    Politico reports that transparency advocates are dismissing as "wholly inadequate" recommendations contained in a European Parliament (EP) report suggesting reforms to an allowance distributed each month to EP Members, calling on the EU institution to require a full accounting of expenditures made using the allowance.

  • Macron Targets Nationalism as EU Foe

    May 18, 2018

    Reuters reports on the contents of a recent speech by President Emmanuel Macron to the European Parliament, outlining his vision for a shared "European sovereignty" through EU institutions to combat growing nationalist movements, which he blamed for "tearing Europe apart."

  • Hungarian PM Prioritizes Retaining "Europe of Nations"

    May 11, 2018

    Reuters reports that, following his recent re-election, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban vowed to resist the construction of a "United States of Europe," instead seeking a "Europe of nations" adhering to the principle of national sovereignty.

  • MPs: UK Must Deny EU Fishing Demands

    May 07, 2018

    A group of UK Members of Parliament (MPs) has published a letter to British Prime Minister Theresa May calling EU demands for maintaining existing access to UK waters for the purposes of fishing "completely unacceptable" and pushing May to take advantage of Brexit by establishing "a truly independent UK fishing policy."

  • UK Lawmakers: Limited Brexit Transition Could Endanger Security

    May 07, 2018

    The BBC reports that a group of UK Members of Parliament has warned that the British government should be prepared to extend a proposed post-Brexit "transition" period, during which the UK would continue to implement EU rules, to prevent a sudden break in UK-EU security cooperation and intelligence sharing.

  • Fishing Association Criticizes Brexit Transition Deal

    April 26, 2018

    The BBC reports that the Scottish Fishermen's Federation has objected to a proposed agreement between the EU and UK for European fishing boats to retain the same access to fishing rights in British waters during a post-Brexit "transition" deal.

  • UK Legislators Seek Consideration of Brexit Delay

    April 25, 2018

    A majority of the UK House of Commons Select Committee on Brexit recently adopted a report, disavowed by euroskeptic members of the Committee, asserting that the British Government should delay its departure from the EU if the UK and EU have not decided "substantial aspects" of the withdrawal agreement by this October.

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