Democracy Impacts

  • UK Group Demands Post-Brexit Break with EU Rules

    March 20, 2018

    Business Insider reports that 62 members of the euroskeptic UK Parliamentary organization the European Research Group have signed a letter to Prime Minister Theresa May calling for her to reclaim immediately after Brexit the authority to negotiate new trade deals and to regain "full regulatory autonomy" with the authority to break from Brussels' rules.

  • Lord Trimble Dismisses Brexit Threats to UK-Ireland Peace

    March 20, 2018

    Hugh Bennett writes that Lord Trimble, an architect of the Good Friday Agreement, has dismissed claims that Brexit is threatening the landmark peace deal between the UK and Ireland as "rubbish" and argues that the Irish border issue will only be a problem if EU officials impose trade restrictions between the two countries.

  • Lawyer Criticizes EU Proposals for Brexit Transition

    March 19, 2018

    British barrister Martin Howe QC criticizes an EU proposal for a "transition period" between the UK and the supranational bloc that would subject Britain to rulings of a foreign court and to new EU laws and regulations without having a say in their creation after Brexit, arguing that such a transition is not necessary to the ultimate implementation of a UK-EU free-trade deal.

  • UK MEP Dismisses Proposals for Joining EFTA

    March 19, 2018

    UK Member of the European Parliament (MEP) David Campbell Bannerman explains flaws in proposals for Britain to join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - a trade bloc including Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland - after Brexit, calling instead for striking a trade deal with the EU based on the EU-Canada free trade agreement.

  • EC Plans Oversight Agency for Labor Rules

    March 14, 2018

    EurActiv reports that the European Commission (EC) is planning by next year to establish a European Labour Authority with broad powers to resolve labor disputes within the EU and to force national governments to enforce EU rules on transnational labor migration and other employment issues.

  • UK Official: Staying in EU Customs Union Would Be "Sellout"

    March 09, 2018

    Politico reports that UK Trade Secretary Liam Fox has argued that remaining in a customs union with the EU, which he says would subject the UK to rules over which it has no say and would prevent the country from negotiating new trade deals, would be a "complete sellout of Britain's national interests."

  • UK Committee Warns of Costs of Extended Brexit Transition

    March 09, 2018

    The UK Parliament's European Scrutiny Committee has warned that any extension of the planned transition period during which the UK would agree to accept EU regulations following Brexit would bleed into the next EU budgetary period and could result in payments of billions of pounds into EU coffers.

  • UK Labour Party Seeks Customs Union with EU

    March 08, 2018

    The Guardian reports that Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the British Labour Party, has announced that his party is in favor of Britain's remaining in a customs union with the EU, meaning the UK would not be able to strike trade deals with other countries without the consent of EU officials, while encouraging a "bespoke" arrangement for access to the EU's common market.

  • Davis: UK Will Maintain Regulatory Standards After Brexit

    March 08, 2018

    The Independent reports that, in a speech recently delivered in Vienna, UK Brexit Secretary David Davis dismissed EU concerns about Britain's departure from the bloc leading to a major deregulation effort, creating a "Mad Max-style" dystopia, and committed to maintaining high levels of environmental and employment regulation after Brexit.

  • EU Officials Rethink Brexit "Punishment Clause"

    March 07, 2018

    The BBC reports on assurances by EU diplomats that they would reconsider a "punishment clause" in draft EU negotiating guidelines on Brexit, threatening sanctions against the UK if it breaks EU rules during a post-Brexit transition period, signaling a softening of the EU's position after blowback regarding perceived harsh terms of the proposed Brexit deal.

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