Democracy Impacts

  • NGO Leader Pushes for Establishment of European Republic

    February 13, 2018

    Ulrike Guérot of the European Democracy Lab writes in favor of the establishment of a "European republic" that would rest on the concept of a clear separation of powers among supranational bodies and a bicameral Parliament invested with more power to enact the will of a single electorate of EU citizens.

  • EU Body Opposes Shift in Authority over Regional Funding

    February 08, 2018

    The European Committee of the Regions is challenging a proposal by the European Commission to give national governments more authority over EU funds used for structural development in the member states, arguing that taking away decisions by regions and municipalities over so-called "cohesion funds" would violate the EU principle of subsidiarity.

  • Economist Calls on UK to Exit EU Customs Union, Internal Market

    February 08, 2018

    Economist Dr. Gerard Lyons writes on the benefits of the UK's departure from the EU's internal market and customs union to restore British sovereignty over business regulation and open the country's borders to trade in goods and services from around the world after Brexit.

  • EU Document Denies UK Sovereign Status During Transition

    February 07, 2018

    Politico reports that negotiating text on a post-Brexit transition period between the UK and the EU drafted by the European Commission would require the UK to abide by all EU rules, deny the right of the UK to diverge from EU positions at international bodies, and refuse to recognize the UK Parliament as a "national parliament" during the period.

  • UK May Face Dozens of New EU Laws During Brexit Transition

    February 07, 2018

    The Independent reports that, according to a document leaked from the UK government, at least 37 new EU laws could enter into force during the post-Brexit transition period during which Britain would continue to abide by EU regulations, including new rules on waste disposal, energy efficiency, and the location of euro clearing houses.

  • May Rejects EU Calls for Post-Brexit Free Movement

    February 06, 2018

    The Telegraph reports that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has pledged to end immediately upon Britain's exit from the EU the applicability of the bloc's rules requiring freedom of movement by EU citizens into the UK, setting up a potential clash between the EU and UK on the enforcement of such rules during the planned post-Brexit "transition" period.

  • UK Official Questions Wisdom of Post-Brexit Transition

    February 05, 2018

    Bloomberg reports that UK Trade Secretary Liam Fox has indicated his concerns with the negotiation of a post-Brexit transition period in which Britain would remain subject to EU rules, asserting that such a prolongation of the UK's status as an effective EU member would stymie its negotiation of trade deals with other countries.

  • EC Suggests Penalties for Pro-Business Policies in UK

    February 05, 2018

    Reuters reports that, in a briefing document distributed to diplomats of EU member states, the European Commission (EC) suggested that any post-Brexit UK-EU trade deal contain provisions providing for sanctions if the UK cuts labor and environmental regulations or lowers its corporate tax rates to gain a competitive advantage over the EU.

  • EC Issues Guidelines for Funding of Migrant Integration

    February 05, 2018

    The European Commission (EC) has launched a toolkit guiding EU member states on what measures they should take to access funds from the supranational organization to help integrate "people with a migrant background" into their societies.

  • Austrian Leader Opposes EU Migration Quota Scheme

    February 01, 2018

    Deutsche Welle reports that Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has signaled his backing of the Visegrad Group of Central and Eastern European countries in the EU on migration policy by warning that the EU's migrant distribution scheme "isn't working" and that the bloc should focus on reducing illegal immigration.

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