Democracy Impacts

  • EU Parliament Plans Pro-Europe Election Campaign

    November 15, 2017

    Politico has obtained a draft strategy note from leaders in the European Parliament calling for the body to use taxpayer funds to persuade voters who support the federalization of the EU to participate in European parliamentary elections, in an effort to drain support from euroskeptic parties.

  • EC Proposes Consolidated Economic Powers

    November 01, 2017

    EUobserver reports that the European Commission (EC) has outlined dozens of proposals to move toward a "more democratic Europe" that include eliminating the veto power EU member states currently have on certain legislation, including tax issues, and establishing a common eurozone budget and finance minister.

  • MEPs Warn Against UK Registration Requirements

    October 25, 2017

    The Guardian reports that, as part of their objection to any Brexit "transition" period in which the UK would no longer be subject to all EU laws, a cross-party group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) has warned Britain against any requirement that EU citizens register with the British Government after Brexit.

  • EU Supports Spanish Position on Catalan Referendum

    October 20, 2017

    Following the violent intervention of Spanish authorities against citizens attempting to vote in the recent Catalan independence referendum, the EU issued a brief statement calling the vote illegal and the response to the vote "an internal matter for Spain," while venturing that, beyond the legal issues involves, this is not the time for "divisiveness and fragmentation."

  • Johnson Highlights Brexit "Red Lines"

    October 20, 2017

    In a recent interview with The Sun, UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson set out what he considers to be "red lines" in the UK's Brexit negotiations with the EU - a transition period lasting no more than two years and refusal to recognize EU court rulings, pay for market access, and "shadow" EU rules after the transition period.

  • Former ECJ Judge Critiques EU Approach to Brexit

    October 19, 2017

    Former Belgian Judge at the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) Franklin Dehousse writes that the EU's decision to sequence Brexit negotiations with the UK so questions of financial obligations and citizens' rights come first is not legally required and warns that it "makes the negotiations more difficult by disconnecting connected topics."

  • Paper: Macron's EU Speech Will Face Opposition

    October 19, 2017

    Aarti Shankar of British think tank Open Europe explains why the expansive proposals announced by French President Emmanuel Macron in a recent speech on the future of the EU, ranging from the integration of security policy to the level of minimum wage, will provoke opposition from countries that fear "greater marginalisation and underrepresentation in the bloc."

  • NGO Calls on Europe to Fulfill Migrant Quotas

    October 19, 2017

    The nongovernmental organization Amnesty International has called on EU countries to fulfill their quotas for accepting migrants currently awaiting relocation in Italy and Greece under the EU’s policy of mandatory migrant resettlement, as only one EU member has fulfilled its quota as the two-year plan expires.

  • EC Leaders Push for Unified Migration Policy

    October 19, 2017

    As the European Commission (EC) reviews progress on the bloc’s 2015 migration agreement, EC leaders have called for a unified, long-term migration policy aimed at increasing “solidarity” in resettlement, “enhancing legal pathways” for greater migration, and a “more effective” return policy.

  • UN Agent: Brexit Could Lead to Environmental Degradation

    October 18, 2017

    UN Special Rapporteur on hazardous substances and wastes Baskut Tuncak has published a report claiming that the UK may lack the resources and the political will to uphold the same environmental standards as the EU, thus jeopardizing the environmental rights of UK residents.

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