Democracy Impacts

  • EU Agency Explores Progress on Climate Agenda

    September 18, 2017

    The European Environment Agency has published an annual report pushing for a quicker transition within the EU-wide energy system from reliance on fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, in line with the global climate change agenda.

  • EU Official Derides "Stupid" UK Decision on Brexit

    September 15, 2017

    The Telegraph reports that Martin Selmayr, Chief of Staff to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, has labeled the British decision to leave the EU "stupid" and, while acknowledging that it is legally possible for the British public to reverse the choice, asserted that "Brexit will happen" in 2019.

  • Davis: EU Is Playing down Progress of Brexit Talks

    September 14, 2017

    In a recent interview, UK Brexit Secretary David Davis asserted that EU officials negotiating the terms of Britain's exit from the bloc looked "a bit silly" playing down the progress made in negotiations so far in an attempt to strengthen their hand in upcoming talks over the future relationship between the UK and EU.

  • Hungarian Official: Ceding Power to EU Is a "Dead End"

    September 13, 2017

    Reuters reports that Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has pledged to fight against EU migrant resettlement plans despite the dismissal by an EU court of Hungary's legal challenge to the policy and warned that the surrender of powers by EU member states to the supranational organization represents a "dead end street."

  • UK Negotiators Refute EU "Brexit Bill" Figures

    August 31, 2017

    Politico reports that, during a third round of negotiations over the terms of the UK's exit from the EU, British negotiators presented to European Commission negotiators a legal analysis refuting the EU's calculations of the UK's post-Brexit financial obligations to the bloc.

  • Commentary: EU Must Soften Brexit Approach

    August 31, 2017

    Pieter Cleppe of the think tank Open Europe explains the reasons why the UK and EU must discuss future trade and a transition deal before settling on a proper "Brexit" bill and predicts that EU member states will pressure the European Commission to loosen its legalistic approach to take into account political factors at stake in the negotiations.

  • Macron Renews Call for "Multi-speed EU"

    August 30, 2017

    EUobserver reports that French President Emmanuel Macron is renewing the push of Western European leaders toward a "multi-speed EU" that would permit some of the bloc's member states to transfer their sovereignty to EU institutions at a faster rate than others - an idea criticized by Central and Eastern European countries concerned about the breakdown of the EU.

  • UK Proposal Would Require Permits for EU Workers

    August 23, 2017

    The Sun reports that the UK government is considering a proposal that would allow EU nationals to travel freely to the UK post-Brexit but would require companies hiring EU nationals to apply for a limited number of work permits and force EU immigrants to wait four years before applying for social benefits.

  • Czech Republic Sues EU over Gun Directive

    August 17, 2017

    Reuters reports that the government of the Czech Republic has sued the EU over a recent directive banning some types of semi-automatic firearms and requiring increased registration of other weapons, arguing that such a policy would unnecessarily target hunters and drive many guns to the black market.

  • UK Official: EU Plans to Limit UK Residency Rights

    August 17, 2017

    Reuters reports that, according to a letter from UK Brexit Secreetary David Davis, the EU’s current offer to the UK in Brexit negotiations stipulates that Britons living in Europe would retain residency rights only in their current country of residence after Brexit and would not have the right to move to another EU country.

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