Democracy Impacts

  • EU Council Offers Policy Solutions to Obesity

    August 09, 2017

    The Council of the EU has adopted a set of conclusions urging EU member states to address the rise in childhood obesity by promoting physical activity and clamping down on advertisements of "sugary and fatty foods" targeted at children and adolescents.

  • EU "Action Programme" Prioritizes Environmental Agenda

    August 09, 2017

    The European Commission's Annual Action Programme 2017 of the Partnership Instrument, under which it engages in cooperation with international partners, focuses on such objectives as promoting "climate-friendly and sustainable energy sources," protecting "biodiversity" in foreign countries, and pushing global standards on "responsible business" practices.

  • German Defense Official Supports EU Army

    August 09, 2017

    The Daily Telegraph reports that Germany's National Defense Commissioner Hans-Peter Bartels has voiced his support for an integrated European defense policy, asserting that, "in the end, there will be a European army."

  • UK Chancellor Confirms Exit from EU Constructs

    August 07, 2017

    In an interview on the BBC, UK Chancellor Philip Hammond confirmed that the British Government will remove the country from the EU "single market" and customs union as part of its Brexit deal with the bloc.

  • German Official: UK Election May Lead to "Soft Brexit"

    August 07, 2017

    AP reports that, following the UK's June general election, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel expressed his hope that the results would coax Britain toward a "soft Brexit," in which the country would retain membership of the EU "single market," continue to be subject to free-movement rules, and accept the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU.

  • UK Officials Say No Brexit Deal Without Trade Talks

    August 07, 2017

    Reuters reports that a spokesperson for the UK's Brexit ministry said in June that the British Government would not agree to a deal on the terms of the country's exit from the EU unless the agreement takes into account aspects of the UK's future relationship with the bloc, including on trade policy.

  • MEP: UK Has Lost Right to EU Opt-outs

    August 07, 2017

    The Guardian reports that Belgian Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Guy Verhofstadt, who is coordinator for the body on Brexit, has asserted that, by triggering its exit from the EU, Britain has lost its ability to return to the body in the future on the same membership terms, including with "perks" such as budget rebates and opt-outs from justice and security policy areas.

  • EU Criticizes Central Europe on Asylum Policies

    August 07, 2017

    In June, the European Commission presented four progress reports on measures related to the European Agenda on Migration in which it criticized EU member states Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic for not complying with their "legal obligation" to take in asylum seekers and called for more action toward an effective European Border and Coast Guard.

  • EU Parliament Increasingly Judges Domestic Policies

    August 07, 2017

    Politico reports on the increased frequency of European Parliament debates on the domestic policies of EU member states and their impacts on the rule of law and human rights, leading some members of the body to express concern that it is sitting in judgment as a "politically motivated 'supreme court.'"

  • UK PM Confirms Steady Course on Brexit

    August 04, 2017

    Reuters reports that, despite her governing party's loss of seats in the June general election, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has asserted that her strategy toward negotiating Britain's exit from the EU, including leaving the European Economic Area and the EU customs union, has not changed.

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