Democracy Impacts

  • EU Seeks Post-Brexit Family Resettlement Rights in UK

    August 02, 2017

    The Telegraph reports that, in a pair of papers on the direction of Brexit negotiations with the UK, EU officials push for the UK to recognize the right of EU citizens in Britain to resettle their "current and future family members" in the country after Brexit and to pay for the pensions of employees of EU institutions.

  • Complainants Drop Legal Case on Brexit "Escape Clause"

    August 02, 2017

    Bloomberg reports that a group of lawyers and politicians has dropped a lawsuit they filed in Ireland whose ultimate goal was a declaration by the Court of Justice of the EU that the UK could revoke its decision to trigger its departure from the bloc.

  • Romanian Official Criticizes Plans for "Multi-speed" EU

    August 02, 2017

    In an interview with Reuters, Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu opposed the creation of a "multi-speed EU" in which Western European countries could transfer their sovereignty to supranational institutions at a quicker rate than other EU members and said there is no need for new mechanisms to monitor the rule of law situation in Poland and Hungary.

  • EU Launches "Low-Ambition" Military HQ

    August 01, 2017

    The Daily Telegraph reports that British officials are branding a much-anticipated EU Military Planning and Conduct Capability headquarters launched in May a bare "call centre" comprising fewer than 10 people who all already have existing jobs and cannot command military operations.

  • Negotiator: UK Is Prepared for "No Deal" Brexit Scenario

    August 01, 2017

    Reuters reports that, as the June general election in the UK approached, the country's Brexit Secretary David Davis made clear in an interview that Britain is prepared to leave the EU without a deal rather than accept a "bad deal" continuing to tie the country to the bloc.

  • British PM: Offset Brexit Bill with EU Debts

    August 01, 2017

    The Sunday Telegraph reports that, in the lead-up to the recent UK general election, Prime Minister Theresa May asserted that any "divorce" payment demanded by EU officials in Brexit negotiations must yield to the UK's own financial "rights," including the country's share in the European Investment Bank and other projects, upon its departure from the bloc.

  • US President Predicts "Big & Exciting" Trade Deal with UK

    August 01, 2017

    As US and UK trade representatives met in Washington, DC, to discuss a potential trade deal between the two countries after the conclusion of Brexit, US President Donald Trump predicted the deal “could be very big & exciting” and criticized the "protectionist" EU.

  • ECJ Official Supports Basis of EU Migrant Sharing Plan

    August 01, 2017

    The New York Times reports that Advocate General for the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) Yves Bot has advised the ECJ to dismiss actions brought by Hungary and Slovakia against the EU’s 2015 migrant sharing plan, finding that the scheme was a "proportionate means" of dealing with the bloc's migration crisis.

  • EU Ministers Work Toward Joint Military Funding

    July 31, 2017

    Reuters reports that, as part of their steps toward a European defense union, defense ministers from EU member states recently agreed to talks on pooling their public funds toward joint military projects, including a defense research facility run by the European Commission.

  • British Officials Pledge End to “Free Movement”

    July 27, 2017

    The BBC reports that, while multiple British officials have pledged that the UK will not retain the EU’s free movement policy after leaving the bloc, UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd has asserted that there will be no "cliff edge" for migration of foreign workers and has commissioned a report studying the potential impacts of migration curbs after Brexit.

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