Democracy Impacts

  • Visegrad Group Rejects EU Resettlement Policy

    April 05, 2017

    AP reports that leaders of countries in the Visegrad Group - Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia - have rejected calls from other EU member states to pressure them to comply with the bloc's rules on resettling migrants by withholding EU financial support from their governments.

  • NGO: EU Must Pressure Hungary on Refugee Detention

    April 05, 2017

    An article from Human Rights Watch calls on EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos to threaten to use a "legal enforcement action" to pressure Hungarian officials to reverse course on the country's policy requiring the detention of asylum seekers while they await a decision on their asylum application.

  • EU Declaration Gestures Toward "Multi-Speed" Europe

    April 05, 2017

    The EU's recent Rome Declaration, marking the 60th Anniversary of European integration and setting out a broadly worded set of priorities for the next decade, solidifies Western countries' preference of a "multi-speed" EU by including language allowing for member states to move "at different paces and intensity where necessary" toward a federal union.

  • EU Committee Seeks Finance for Local Climate Planning

    April 04, 2017

    The European Committee of the Regions has adopted recommendations for EU rules governing local planning in sectors including buildings, agriculture, transport, and forestry to meet bloc-wide greenhouse gas reduction targets and to provide the necessary funding to local authorities to complete these policy changes.

  • EU Pushes Balkan Countries to Form "Common Market"

    April 04, 2017

    The Economist reports that meetings between EU officials and leaders of countries in the Western Balkans have led to proposals, with growing acceptance in each country, for a "common market" of free trade, labor movement, and regulatory harmonization in the Balkans region.

  • Turkey May Hold Referendum on EU Accession

    April 03, 2017

    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has warned that his country may hold a referendum on whether to continue its bid for EU membership, amid worsening relations with the bloc after the governments of Germany and the Netherlands shut down pro-Erdogan rallies in their respective nations. 

  • British NGO: UK Should Leave EU Customs Union

    April 03, 2017

    The British nongovernmental organization Open Europe has called for the UK to fully leave the EU Customs Union in order to secure full independence with respect to its trade policy, rather than seek a “half-in, half-out” approach supported by some politicians and commentators. 

  • MEPs Take on "Bad Cop" Position in Brexit Talks

    April 03, 2017

    A Politico article highlights how some Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are planning to use the body's veto power over any Brexit deal to place pressure on the UK to pay a substantial "divorce bill" upon exiting the EU, remain within the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU, and maintain existing rights of EU migrants to enter the UK.

  • MEPs Warn UK on Migration Cut-off

    April 03, 2017

    Politico reports that Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have threatened to veto any Brexit deal permitting the UK to adopt new conditions for the entry of EU migrants, including not guaranteeing them the same rights as others in the country to live and work, prior to the date on which it leaves the EU.

  • Austria Seeks EU Permission to Avoid Migrant Resettlement

    April 03, 2017

    Politico reports that Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern has stated he will seek an EU exemption permitting Austria to avoid mandates requiring the country to take in more asylum seekers, arguing that his country has already fulfilled its obligations to accept migrants under EU resettlement rules.

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