Democracy Impacts

  • Officials: Scottish Independence Means Leaving EU

    March 23, 2017

    The Guardian reports on warnings from EU officials that a Scottish vote to leave the UK in a future referendum would entail a Scottish departure from the EU and a requirement that Scotland apply for admission to the bloc in order to become a member.

  • Chemical Lobby Urges Common EU Industrial Policy

    March 23, 2017

    Marco Mensink of the European Chemical Industry Council has authored an opinion piece calling on the EU to develop a common European policy to promote the growth of industry and to suppress "unilateral, ad-hoc laws by national governments" affecting trade and investment.

  • "Multi-Speed Europe" Proposal Hastens EU Federalism

    March 23, 2017

    An article in Politico explains how politicians from EU institutions and some member states are seeking to further the principle of "enhanced cooperation" in the bloc to create a "multi-speed Europe," allowing quicker transfer of sovereignty to Brussels from consenting countries while bypassing objections of countries wary of federalizing the EU.

  • EU Considers ICJ Complaint over Brexit Bill

    March 22, 2017

    The Independent reports that a leaked strategy memo reveals that EU officials are planning to threaten the UK with a complaint in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) if Britain refuses to pay the full amount of what EU leaders say are its 60-billion-euro obligation to the budget of the bloc.

  • UK Official: Parliament Will Not Alter Final Brexit Deal

    March 22, 2017

    In a recent interview, UK's Brexit Secretary David Davis stated that, after the upcoming negotiations over the UK's exit from the EU, Prime Minister Theresa May will present Parliament with the option of either approving her final Brexit deal or permitting the UK to leave without a deal, noting that the government is preparing for the outcome of either choice.

  • Campaign Leader: UK Should Retain Strong EU Ties

    March 22, 2017

    The chairman of the Open Britain campaign Roland Rudd has called on British officials to adopt a posture of “goodwill” during Brexit negotiations by offering a positive response to a suggestion by Belgian Member of the European Parliament Guy Verhofstadt that UK citizens retain some advantages of EU citizenship, in order to retain as many links as possible with the EU.

  • Germany: EU Unity Is "Priority" in Brexit Talks

    March 21, 2017

    Bloomberg reports that talking points distributed by the German government to ministry staff indicate the country's “foremost priority” in Brexit talks will be maintaining the unity of the remaining 27 EU member states and asserts that the UK must receive a trade deal with worse terms than those of membership in the bloc.

  • Official: UK Should Reject EU Budget Demands

    March 21, 2017

    In a recent interview, UK foreign affairs secretary Boris Johnson asserted that the British government should reject EU demands that the country continue to make "vast budget payments" to the bloc following Brexit.

  • Committee Calls for Special EU Status for Northern Ireland

    March 21, 2017

    A committee of the Oireachtas, the legislative body of Ireland, has called for Irish authorities to negotiate a "special status" for Northern Ireland within the EU that would permit citizens of Northern Ireland to retain EU citizenship and access to the bloc's "single market" after Brexit.

  • Poland Objects to Process of EU Emissions Reform

    March 20, 2017

    Reuters reports that Polish officials have threatened the EU with a legal challenge of draft rules reforming the bloc's emissions trading system to raise the cost of greenhouse gas emissions for businesses operating in Europe, arguing that EU treaties require unanimous consent for binding rules forcing a change in countries' energy policies.

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