Democracy Impacts

  • How All-Powerful Institutions Keep Europe in Gridlock

    By David Elstein

    March 17, 2021

    Open Democracy has published a summary of historian Perry Anderson’s essay, ‘Ever Closer Union?’, which explores the significance of the various institutions within the European Union and how they minimize democracy.

  • How the European Union Prefers Power Grabs to Democracy

    By David Elstein

    March 17, 2021

    Historian Perry Anderson in a summary of his essay that was published in the London Review of Books, explains how the the EU has demonstrated its preference for power grabs to democracy through a series of ‘coups’ across decades which allowed European institutions to hold increased power, undermining the role of nation states and voters in the process.

  • Heltai: Hungary’s Move to Leave EPP

    March 17, 2021

    Péter Heltai editor and podcast host at the Budapest-based Mathias Corvinus Collegium, explores the background and impact of the recent move of Orban to move his party, Fidesz, out of the European People’s Party.

  • Orbán Leaves the European People’s Party (EPP)

    March 08, 2021

    Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban left the European People’s Party (EPP) group in the E.U. Parliament, after the center right group approved a rule that would allow them to suspend Orban’s Fidesz party for failure to comply with various E.U. measures.

  • Germany's AfD Placed under Formal Surveillance

    March 08, 2021

    Germany’s domestic intelligence service has placed Alternative for Germany (AfD), under formal surveillance, in a move that opens the door for German authorities to use wiretaps and other methods, including informants, to spy on the country’s largest opposition party. 

  • EU Begins Legal Action for Hungary Ignoring ECJ

    February 24, 2021

    The EU Commission launched legal action over Hungary's failure to implement a judgement from the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which ruled that the Transparency Act adopted in 2017 that restricts foreign-funding of NGOs was against EU rules.

  • Politico: Georgia’s Political Crisis

    February 22, 2021

    Georgia is facing a political crisis following an order by a Tbilisi court to arrest opposition leader Nika Melia, which led Prime Minister Gakharia to resign in protest of his party’s support for the decision, warning of a potential dangerous escalation.

  • French Leaders Back Law to Fight Radical Islam

    February 19, 2021

    French MPs approved a controversial law against separatism, officially named "reinforcing republican principles », which plans to crack down on online hate speech and foreign funding of religious groups, in particular Muslims and Evangelicals.

  • French Leaders Declare U.S. « Woke » Movement a Threat

    February 16, 2021

    The U.S. movements of woke leftism and cancel culture have french Politicians, prominent intellectuals, and academics voicing concerns, warning that American ideas on race, gender, and post-colonialism are undermining French society and are an attack on French heritage.

  • EU’s Borrell: Corruption Hampers Ukraine’s Reform Process

    February 16, 2021

    According to a speech of High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, the European Union believes that the reform process in Ukraine continues to be hampered by widespread corruption, calling on Ukraine’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau to be fully independent as well as reassuring the country that they have the EU’s political, technical, and financial support.

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