Democracy Impacts

  • EU Council Recommends Continued Border Controls

    February 20, 2017

    The Council of the EU has once again recommended a three-month extension of controls along certain borders in the passport-free Schengen travel area to stem flows of "irregular migrants," but only as a "last resort" and after a dialogue between the member states at issue establishes that such controls are "necessary and proportionate."

  • EU Reports on Progress Toward "Circular Economy"

    February 20, 2017

    The European Commission has issued a report on its progress in implementing its Circular Economy Package, adopted last year, through such actions as establishing a Circular Economy Finance Support Platform with the European Investment Bank and pressuring EU members to take action on creating energy out of waste.

  • UK Court Turns back Challenge to EEA Exit

    February 16, 2017

    The Guardian reports that two judges on the UK High Court have rejected as premature a challenge to the Government's Brexit strategy in which claimants argue that British officials must follow procedures, separate from the EU exit process, to leave the bloc's "single market" (EEA).

  • EU Leaders Increasingly Embrace "Multi-Speed" Integration

    February 16, 2017

    Reuters reports that EU leaders meeting at a summit in Malta, while not accepting the possibility of halting "ever-closer union" or returning powers to member states, increasingly advocated a model of "multi-speed" integration that permits some EU members to move more slowly in giving away sovereignty to the supranational organization.

  • UK Publishes Principles to Guide Brexit

    February 16, 2017

    The British Government recently released a publication setting out 12 broad principles it will follow in negotiating its exit from the EU, including by withdrawing completely from the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU, negotiating new free trade agreements, and regaining control of migration from the bloc.

  • UK Lords Prepare Amendments to Brexit Bill

    February 15, 2017

    The Belfast Telegraph reports that the UK House of Lords has prepared a series of eight amendments to the Government's "Brexit" bill, passed recently by a large majority in the House of Commons, to add conditions to the authority of the Government to notify the EU of its plans to exit the bloc.

  • Official Seeks "Next Level" of EU Integration

    February 14, 2017

    In a letter to leaders of EU institutions and member states in advance of a recent Rome summit on the future of the bloc, President of the European Council Donald Tusk called for the leaders to "raise European integration to the next level" to counter external, geopolitical threats and internal EU dissension regarding the need for strong national sovereignty.

  • UK Signals Job Requirement for Future EU Migrants

    February 14, 2017

    The Telegraph reports that UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd has indicated her government's post-Brexit immigration policy will likely focus on restricting the entry into Britain of EU migrants who do not yet have employment in the country.

  • UK Clears Major Hurdle on Brexit Bill

    February 08, 2017

    Politico reports that the UK House of Commons has passed a bill permitting British Prime Minister Theresa May to notify the EU of the government's intent to leave the bloc and granting officials broad discretion in negotiating the terms of a post-Brexit deal with EU members.

  • EU Resolution Seeks Better Rabbit Treatment

    February 03, 2017

    As the EU faces crises ranging from uncontrolled migration to security to the exit of the UK from the bloc, the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee has adopted a resolution calling for EU member states to pass legislation containing "minimum standards on the protection of rabbits" in their agricultural systems.

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