Democracy Impacts

  • Corbyn Seeks End to EU Market-Oriented Policies

    July 15, 2016

    UK Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn has published an op-ed in which he calls for a new relationship with the EU in the wake of his country's Brexit vote that retains EU social and employment rights but cuts off "EU-enforced liberalisation and privatisation of public services."

  • MPs Split with UK Policy on EU Residents

    July 15, 2016

    The BBC reports that UK Members of Parliament have voted for the British Government to reconsider its policy of refraining from assuring migrants from other EU countries that they will be permitted to remain in the country before negotiations over Britain's exit from the EU begin.

  • EU Parliament Agrees to Border and Coast Guard

    July 15, 2016

    The European Parliament has agreed to a proposal from the European Commission to build on the EU's current border agency, Frontex, to create an EU Border and Coast Guard that will collectivize management of EU external borders and monitor the performance of national border authorities.

  • Dutch PM Warns Against Post-Brexit EU Federalism

    July 14, 2016

    Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte has called on EU leaders to recognize the discomfort many Europeans have with Brussels centralization and warned against using the UK vote to leave the EU as a reason "to rush blindly forward towards more political integration and a more federal Europe" among the remaining EU member states.

  • Bundesbank Chief Calls for Fair Deal with UK

    July 14, 2016

    In response to the UK vote to leave the EU, the President of the German Federal Bank, Jens Weidmann, has called for a fair "Brexit" deal from EU leaders and asserted that "neither side has an interest in putting up trade barriers."

  • Eavis: EU Inflexibility May Lead to Disintegration

    July 13, 2016

    Peter Eavis writes in The New York Times that the UK's exit from the EU demonstrates the EU's inflexibility when faced with challenges and opposition to large agenda items, such as a single currency and free movement, and could signal the cause of a future break-up of the bloc.

  • EU Border Agency Plans to "Stress Test" Members

    July 13, 2016

    Fabrice Leggeri, executive director of the EU border agency Frontex, has announced plans to "stress test" the response of EU member states to various migration scenarios as part of the overhaul and massive expansion of Frontex in the coming months.

  • Hungary Sets Referendum on EU Refugee Plan

    July 13, 2016

    AP reports that the office of Hungarian President Janos Ader has announced the scheduling of an October referendum on whether Hungary should accept refugees to be sent to Hungary under the EU's refugee resettlement plan.

  • Politicos Disagree on Solution to EU Challenges

    July 11, 2016

    An article in The Economist considers how politicians in the EU institutions and its member states are calling for contradictory responses to Britain's exit from the bloc, ranging from returning more authority to the national governments to speeding along EU federalization.

  • EU Leaders Head off "Copycat" Referendums

    July 11, 2016

    The Economist reports that leaders of EU member states are reacting to the recent UK vote to leave the EU by seeking to prevent referendums in their own countries in which their citizens decide whether they remain part of the bloc.

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