Brexit Vote Lays Bare Europe's Challenges
June 30, 2016
Peter Foster of The Telegraph writes that the UK's vote to leave the EU spotlights the challenges the bloc faces in collaborating on Europe-wide policies and may result in more vigorous action from national governments to take on these issues.
Lawlor: British EU Vote Is Democratic Triumph
June 29, 2016
Sheila Lawlor of the think tank Politeia celebrates the British vote to leave the EU as a decision of citizens to radically shift the political direction of their country toward freedom and the right to replace their rulers.
EU Institutions Agree to New Border Entity
June 29, 2016
The European Commission, Parliament, and Council have agreed to the creation of a European Border and Coast Guard that will supplement EU member state security and have the authority to use reserved staff and resources to reinforce the EU's external borders.
UK, EU Face Key Decisions Following Brexit Vote
June 24, 2016
Following the UK vote to leave the EU, Open Europe's Raoul Ruparel writes that it is time for "careful thought" as the UK and EU face an array of key decisions in the coming months, including on the timing of the UK's formal notice to exit and the characteristics of the partners' future relations.
UK Votes to Leave EU
June 24, 2016
Polling experts have projected that UK voters have opted to take their country out of the EU.
Economist Makes Pro-EU Case for Brexit
June 23, 2016
British economist Andrew Lilico argues that, because the EU needs to further federalize in order to operate effectively, and because the UK is standing in the way of further Brussels centralization, a Brexit would serve the interests of both the EU and Britain.
Coombs: EU Rules Are Incompatible with UK Tradition
June 23, 2016
An article by former UK Member of Parliament Anthony Coombs argues that the European project advanced by the EU, with a focus on comprehensive regulations and unrestrained mobility, is incompatible with British law and tradition.
NYT: Experts Seek Post-Referendum EU Centralization
June 23, 2016
An article in The New York Times cites observers in the EU who argue that the bloc must confront euroskepticism following the British EU referendum by further expanding centralization of powers within the supranational organization to deal with the crises confronting Europe.
Eurozone Leader Pledges Further Integration
June 23, 2016
Reuters reports that the head of the eurozone group of finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, has pledged further integration of the currency area regardless of the outcome of the British referendum and in spite of warnings from other EU leaders of growing euroskepticism in the bloc.
UK Minister Pushes for EU Migration Reforms
June 23, 2016
Despite EU resistance to reforms of the principle of "free movement" during UK Prime Minister David Cameron's renegotiation of competences with the bloc, British Home Secretary Theresa May says she will seek reforms to EU migration rules following a "Remain" vote in the country's EU referendum.