Democracy Impacts

  • British Campaign Outlines Post-Brexit Plans

    June 15, 2016

    The UK campaign for leaving the EU has published an outline of its plans following a "Brexit" vote, including an immediate "end to the European Court of Justice's control over national security," a halt to free movement for EU nationals into Britain, and the negotiation of a new trade deal with the bloc by 2020.

  • Tusk Offers Nods Toward Euroskeptics

    June 15, 2016

    Politico reports that, in recent speeches, European Council President Donald Tusk is joining a cadre of EU officials and diplomats in shrugging off "naïve Euro-enthusiastic visions of total integration" in favor of a "pause" in EU integration that leaves power in the hands of national governments to solve European crises.

  • MEP Blames EU Divisions on Poor Communication

    June 15, 2016

    Czech Member of the European Parliament Tomáš Zdechovský asserts that, to continue EU integration in the face of countervailing pressure such as an internal lack of support and external pressure from Russia, the EU needs to sustain a dialogue with citizens on policies that are "understandable" to the general public and will help ordinary people.

  • French Diplomats Seek Punitive Brexit

    June 13, 2016

    Politico reports that "senior EU diplomatic sources" are calling for tough trade terms negotiated at a quick pace between a newly independent Britain and the EU in order to discourage other countries from leaving the bloc in case the UK votes to leave the EU in an upcoming referendum.

  • Academic: Conflict May Estrange Poland from Brussels

    June 13, 2016

    Norbert Maliszewski of the University of Warsaw writes that, if it pushes on with its rule of law investigation of Poland, the European Commission risks relegating the country to a "European Union B" group where voters feel estranged from EU officials and institutions.

  • EU Integration "Architect" Calls for "European Pause"

    June 09, 2016

    In an interview with Politico, French diplomat Hubert Védrine, a key participant in the development of the euro currency and the passport-free Schengen Area, calls on EU member states to respond to voter disenchantment with centralization of powers in Brussels by seeking a "pause" in the integration of the bloc.

  • EU Leader Concedes Imbalance in Budget Enforcement

    June 09, 2016

    In a recent interview, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that his institution had granted the French government leniency on breaking the EU's budget rules "because it is France."

  • Tusk Warns of Backlash to EU Federalism

    June 07, 2016

    In a speech in Luxembourg, President of the Council of the EU Donald Tusk warned that some leaders of the EU and member countries had become "obsessed with the idea of instant and total integration" and called for them instead, for now, to solve present-day problems and respect national sovereignty to counter euroskeptic backlash.

  • UK General Criticizes EU Defense Efforts

    June 03, 2016

    Arguing that the EU is "undermining" national defense policies in Europe, former director of UK special forces General Sir Michael Rose has called for the UK to leave the EU and contribute to regional security solely as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

  • Telegraph: EU Hides Plans for Army Before Brexit Vote

    June 03, 2016

    The Telegraph reports that the EU is keeping secret, until the UK vote on EU membership, a document on the bloc's "Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy" drawn up by its foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, that contains recommendations on a move toward a unified EU military.

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