EU Leader Concedes Imbalance in Budget Enforcement
June 09, 2016
In a recent interview, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said that his institution had granted the French government leniency on breaking the EU's budget rules "because it is France."
Tusk Warns of Backlash to EU Federalism
June 07, 2016
In a speech in Luxembourg, President of the Council of the EU Donald Tusk warned that some leaders of the EU and member countries had become "obsessed with the idea of instant and total integration" and called for them instead, for now, to solve present-day problems and respect national sovereignty to counter euroskeptic backlash.
UK General Criticizes EU Defense Efforts
June 03, 2016
Arguing that the EU is "undermining" national defense policies in Europe, former director of UK special forces General Sir Michael Rose has called for the UK to leave the EU and contribute to regional security solely as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Telegraph: EU Hides Plans for Army Before Brexit Vote
June 03, 2016
The Telegraph reports that the EU is keeping secret, until the UK vote on EU membership, a document on the bloc's "Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy" drawn up by its foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, that contains recommendations on a move toward a unified EU military.
Bootle: Brexit Would Shield Britain from Euro Collapse
May 23, 2016
British economist Roger Bootle writes that a British vote to depart the EU would permit the UK to avoid the risk of remaining within the margins of a potential United States of Europe and would partially shield the country from any break-up or collapse of the euro currency.
MP Criticizes Omission of "Sovereignty Bill" from UK Agenda
May 19, 2016
UK Member of Parliament Iain Duncan Smith has criticized the British Government for omitting a so-called "Sovereignty Bill," which would assert parliamentary supremacy against certain opinions of the Court of Justice of the EU, from its announced agenda for the current parliamentary term.
EU Body Plans Post-Brexit Referendum Budget Proposal
May 13, 2016
Politico reports that, in line with a number of other discussions the body has delayed in order to avoid fueling arguments of the "Leave" campaign in the British referendum on EU membership, the European Commission has delayed the publication of its budget proposal until after the Brexit vote in June.
Parliaments Force Review of EU Worker Legislation
May 11, 2016
EurActiv reports that at least ten national parliaments in Central and Eastern Europe have filed an objection to the European Commission's proposed revision of the EU Posted Workers Directive that would seek to equalize pay for workers doing the same job in different countries, forcing the Commission to review the proposal.
Support for EU Referendum Rises Outside UK
May 09, 2016
A new poll of voters from large EU member states other than the UK shows broad support for national referendums on whether to depart from the EU.
FRA Seeks EU Monitoring Mechanism on Fundamental Values
May 04, 2016
At a meeting in Brussels with representatives from EU institutions, the Court of Justice of the EU, and the Council of Europe's Venice Commission, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights ("FRA") advised participants on developing a mechanism to monitor compliance by the EU and its members with the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights.