Democracy Impacts

  • EU Official Proposes Visa-Free Travel for Ukrainians

    April 25, 2016

    Following a Dutch referendum in which voters rejected an association agreement between Ukraine and the EU, European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos has called for the adoption of visa-free travel for Ukrainian nationals throughout the passport-free Schengen area.

  • Auditors: EU Must Strictly Enforce Deficit Targets

    April 22, 2016

    The European Court of Auditors has published a report asserting that the European Commission is "not strict enough" in enforcing the bloc's Excessive Deficit Procedure, which provides for a procedure through which the Commission oversees the lowering of national deficit levels that, according to EU law, have become too high.

  • EU Official Concedes Overstep by Brussels

    April 21, 2016

    During a session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker acknowledged that "European citizens are stepping away" from the EU because the supranational organization interferes with too many aspects of their daily lives.

  • EU Pressures Member States on Migrant Relocation Scheme

    April 20, 2016

    In a review of the EU's progress on the "resettlement" of migrants from Turkey and the "relocation" of migrants who are already in the EU, the European Commission praised the progress of the resettlement program but called on EU member states to do more to provide for the relocation of large numbers of migrants located in Greece and Italy.

  • French Minister Warns of "Consequences" upon Brexit

    April 19, 2016

    Reuters reports that French Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron has warned that the UK will face "consequences" if its people vote to leave the EU in the form of trade barriers and the arrival of thousands of asylum seekers from France and other EU countries.

  • UK Treasury Predicts Dire Economic Consequences of "Brexit"

    April 18, 2016

    The BBC reports that a British Treasury document forecasting that the UK would suffer permanent economic harm if its people vote to leave the EU is touching off a wide-ranging debate over how accurately government officials can predict the consequences of "Brexit" on the British economy and finances.

  • NGO: Post-Brexit UK Would Succeed with Free Market Reforms

    April 13, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Open Europe has produced a report asserting that a combination of leaving the EU, forming trade agreements with the bloc and other countries around the world, and pushing through free-market reforms would result in economic expansion in Britain.

  • EU Parliament Endorses Centralized Asylum System

    April 13, 2016

    The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling for the EU to develop a "central system for collecting and allocating asylum applications" in place of the current, national-government-controlled system, and acknowledging that the new system might involve a "quota" for the resettlement of refugees in each EU member state.

  • After Dutch Vote, EU Politicians Criticize Use of Referenda

    April 08, 2016

    Politico reports that various Members of the European Parliament reacted to a vote in the Netherlands against an EU-Ukraine association agreement by criticizing the use of national referenda to permit citizens a voice on foreign policy decisions at the EU level and by expressing fear that the Dutch referendum process might spill over into other EU countries.

  • Dutch Voters Reject EU Policies in Referendum

    April 07, 2016

    The Guardian reports that, in a vote widely seen as an indicator of attitudes in the Netherlands regarding EU migration and economic policies, a large majority of Dutch voters participating in a recent referendum voted against an association agreement establishing closer ties between the EU and Ukraine.

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