Democracy Impacts

  • Howe: Only Brexit Will "Save" UK Sovereignty

    February 10, 2016

    Martin Howe QC writes that proposals for laws seeking to enhance the sovereignty of the British Parliament ignore the fact that the Parliament already possesses such sovereignty and that the only real way to "disapply" EU legislation in the UK without triggering an escalating conflict would be to vote to leave the EU and negotiate a new trade relationship with the bloc.

  • Expert Doubts Impact of "Brake" on EU Migration

    February 09, 2016

    Director of the National Institute for Economic and Social Research Jonathan Portes argues that the proposed "emergency brake" on in-work benefits for migrants to the UK from other EU countries would likely be of little impact in deterring migrants from entering Britain.

  • Small Parties Cry Foul on EU Parliament Voting Proposals

    February 08, 2016

    Politico reports that European Parliament political party groups other than the large European People's Party ("EPP") and Socialists and Democrats ("S&D") groups are criticizing a proposal from the Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs working group that would limit the ability of small party groups to slow or block the passage of EU legislation.

  • Watchdog Pushes for Transparency at EU Commission

    February 05, 2016

    Citing concerns over a lack of transparency in external advice received by the EU executive, European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly has called on the European Commission to publish the minutes of meetings with over 800 "expert groups" formed by the body to offer input on EU legislation.

  • EU Official Proposes New Terms for UK Membership

    February 03, 2016

    European Council President Donald Tusk has proposed new terms for Britain's membership in the EU, including measures intended to increase UK control over migration and to permit it and other members to block unwanted EU legislation, to be negotiated in the coming weeks, prior to a referendum over the UK's membership in the bloc.

  • Goodman: Only Brexit Delivers Real UK-EU Change

    January 29, 2016

    Paul Goodman writes on Conservative Home that, because UK Prime Minister David Cameron's renegotiation of competences with the EU does not guarantee treaty changes and thus might be set aside by other countries or the Court of Justice of the EU, the only opportunity for meaningful reform of Britain's relationship with the EU is for voters to side with leaving the bloc.

  • Fletcher Dean: US Should Encourage Success of "European Project"

    January 22, 2016

    Admiral and Dean of Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University James Stavridis surveys the security risks facing Europe, ranging from the Islamic State to Russia, and draws the conclusion that, to contain these threats, the US must support the centralization of European power in supranational institutions.

  • UK Official Suggests Alternative EU Migration Reforms

    January 20, 2016

    Arguing in recent remarks that Britain "has passed the high-water mark of EU intervention in our national life," UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond suggested alternatives to deterring immigration from other EU countries through a restriction on in-work benefits could be an "emergency brake" on migration or redefining what constitutes a "worker" in the EU.

  • Grayling: Absent Fundamental Change, UK Must Leave EU

    January 14, 2016

    Writing in support of UK Prime Minister David Cameron's renegotiation with EU leaders over the balance of powers between the British Government and the EU, Leader of the House of Commons Chris Grayling calls for fundamental EU reforms that shield the UK from continued political integration within the bloc.

  • EU Supporters Sense Massive 2016 Challenges

    January 04, 2016

    The Associated Press reports that, in light of developments including the upcoming referendum on EU membership in the UK and a nationalist resurgence in the newly elected Polish Government, supporters of EU integration, including national and supranational officials, fear the "unraveling" of the European project in 2016.

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