Finance & Trade

  • EU Commission Proposes Economic Recovery Fund

    May 29, 2020

    EU Commission President Ursula bon der Leyen is proposing a €750 billion coronavirus economic recovery fund, consisting of borrowed money to be repaid over 30 years, which some critics view as a marked step toward the fiscal and political integration of Europe.

  • Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Will be Challenged by EU Regulations

    May 20, 2020

    German regulators have rejected the €9.5 billion Russia Nord Stream 2 pipeline project request for a 10-year pass from new European Union gas rules on unbundling, network access, and cost regulation.

  • Politico: German Court Lays Down EU Law on ECB Bond Purchases

    May 06, 2020

    In a 72-page opinion, Germany's Constitutional Court has decided that the European Central Bank's ("ECB") bond-buying practice exceeds the ECB's mandate, a decision which challenges the independence of the ECB and the authority of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

  • EU Commission Considers "Marshall Plan" for Europe

    April 06, 2020

    European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is calling for a Marshall Plan for Europe, recommending that billions should be invested for a long-term crisis recovery budget, while promoting solidarity between EU countries.

  • Heikkila: Lack of Business Data-Sharing Cooperation Threatens Europe's AI Strategy

    March 25, 2020

    Writing in Politico, Melissa Heikkila explains why a lack of data-sharing cooperation on the part of large companies is the Achilles’ heel of Europe’s artificial intelligence ("AI") strategy.

  • EU Commission Summarizes Digital Strategy

    March 06, 2020

    In a recently published Q & A, the European Commission generally explains the EU's digital strategy, including a White Paper on Artificial Intelligence and a European Data Strategy, which raise issues of the degree to which EU regulation of a digital space in which private international companies participate may result in excessive regulation, taxation, and governance.

  • Politico: Huawei is Offering European Nations Offers They Can't Refuse

    March 02, 2020

    According to Politico, Chinese telecom equipment giant Huawei is pitching lucrative incentives to European governments in the hope of fending of bans against its products and services.

  • US Commits $1 Billion to Three Seas Initiative

    February 19, 2020

    At the 56th Munich Security Conference, U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, announced a $1 billion U.S. commitment in support of the Three Seas Initiative and energy security and economic growth in Central Europe.

  • Politico: EU deficit hawks move to squash ‘special’ green budget rules

    February 07, 2020

    A dozen EU countries from Northern and Eastern Europe have been working since last year to line up opposition to the idea of privileging environmentally minded projects within the bloc's review of national spending plans.

  • UK Resists Granting ECJ Authority over UK-EU Trade Relations

    January 29, 2020

    As the United Kingdom and European Union enter into post-Brexit trade negotiations, the UK will resist EU demands for the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) to have a say over UK trade after Brexit, effectively giving it continued power over the UK.

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