Human Rights

  • CoE Agent: States Must Separate Migration Control, Integration Policies

    May 01, 2019

    According to a paper by the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe (CoE) on migration and refugees Tomáš Boček, European human rights standards demand that governments refrain from pursuing goals on controlling migration numbers in their migrant integration policies.

  • ECtHR: Russia Must Reform Method of Transporting Prisoners

    April 29, 2019

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has found a “recurrent structural problem” in the manner in which the Russian government transports prisoners, giving the country 18 months to establish effective remedies that grant prisoners more space when traveling and limit the allocation of prisoners to remote detention facilities.

  • ECtHR Finds Defect in Swiss Deportation Procedure

    April 29, 2019

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently held that a Swiss court had violated the rights of a Kosovar national by issuing an expulsion order over his rape conviction without adequately considering his declining health and his “social, cultural and family bonds” in Switzerland.

  • CoE Committee Publishes Guidelines on Health Data Protection

    April 26, 2019

    The Council of Europe’s (CoE) Committee of Ministers recently adopted a set of guidelines on how governments and health care providers must protect citizens’ health-related data in a manner compliant with transnational human rights law.

  • CoE Body Calls for State Action Against Sexism

    April 26, 2019

    The Council of Europe’s (CoE) Committee of Ministers has adopted a recommendation containing what it deems to be the first international agreed definition of sexism and calling on CoE member states to pursue measures to “fight against sexism in all walks of life,” including by criminalizing “sexist hate speech.”

  • CoE Body: Bulgarian Benefits Rules Violate Social Rights

    April 25, 2019

    The Council of Europe’s (CoE) European Committee of Social Rights recently found that a Bulgarian law limiting child benefits for families in certain situations violated the European Social Charter by failing to uphold the right to social protection and by discriminating in effect against the country’s Roma population.

  • FRA Reviews National Uses of EU “Bill of Rights”

    April 22, 2019

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has released a series of country-by-country reviews examining how each EU member state has used the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in an effort by the FRA to promote the document, which includes social and economic rights, as a “Bill of Rights” for Europe.

  • EU Report Seeks Expanded Remedies for Corporate Action Abroad

    April 10, 2019

    A group of academics has produced a report for the European Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Human Rights seeking to identify barriers to access to European courts by alleged victims of human rights abuses by EU-based companies and proposing, in response, significantly expanded due diligence requirements and judicial remedies for extraterritorial conduct.

  • ECtHR Issues Advisory Opinion on Surrogacy Arrangements

    April 10, 2019

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has issued its first-ever advisory opinion under a mechanism recently extending the ECtHR’s jurisdiction, finding European human rights law requires governments to create a path for recognition of a parent-child relationship between the intended mother of the child in a surrogacy arrangement carried out abroad.

  • CoE Official Criticizes Poland on Judiciary, Abortion Law

    April 04, 2019

    Following a recent visit to Poland, the Council of Europe (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović has warned the Polish government that it risks violating European human rights law by failing to respect the independence of the judiciary and by weakening women’s “reproductive rights,” including access to abortion.

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