Human Rights

  • ECtHR Finds Russian Rights Violations Against Opposition Leader

    December 07, 2018

    In a ruling in November, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held that the Russian government had violated the rights to liberty, fair trial, and assembly of political opposition leader Aleksey Navalnyy by repeatedly arresting him while he led peaceful public demonstrations.

  • ECtHR: Turkey Failed to Weigh Privacy in “Hate Speech” Case

    December 07, 2018

    In an October ruling, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held that the Turkish courts had not sufficiently weighed the privacy rights of two professors when they found that insults and threats made against these academics in various media over a report on minority rights must be protected as freedom of the press.

  • Article: ECtHR Shows Sensitivity About National Sovereignty

    December 07, 2018

    Erik Voeten of The Washington Post argues that an October European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruling upholding an Austrian court’s conviction of a woman for “blasphemy” regarding the Islamic prophet Muhammed simply shows the “embattled” ECtHR is “extremely reluctant to interfere with state laws on sensitive domestic issues.”

  • ECtHR Upholds Judgments Against Countries on CIA Renditions

    December 07, 2018

    AFP reports that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently rejected an appeal from Lithuania and Romania arguing they were not responsible for alleged rights violations related to US Central Intelligence Agency renditions and interrogations of suspected terrorists within their territories.

  • Timpf: EU Rulebook Trivializes Real Attempts to Counter Sexism

    December 07, 2018

    According to Katherine Timpf of National Review, EU efforts, through a new translator rulebook on “Gender Neutral Language in the European Parliament,” to suppress the use of words like “mankind” and “manpower” in favor of more gender-inclusive terms could trivialize attempts to counter actual issues of sexism in society.

  • ECtHR Approves German Prosecution of Man for Abortion Comments

    December 05, 2018

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) held in September that Germany had not violated the right of an anti-abortion activist to freedom of expression by prosecuting him for accusing four doctors who performed abortions of having committed “aggravated murder,” finding a legitimate interest in preserving these doctors’ right to “private life.”

  • NGOs Call for EU “International Justice” Envoy

    December 05, 2018

    In September, a group of nongovernmental organizations including Human Rights Watch published a letter calling on EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Federica Mogherini to establish an EU Special Representative to advance European policy across the globe on international humanitarian law and “international justice.”

  • CoE Body Places Denmark in Non-Compliance Procedure on Corruption

    December 04, 2018

    In September, the Council of Europe’s (CoE) anti-corruption body GRECO placed Denmark in its non-compliance procedure for failing to adopt a sufficient number of the body’s recommendations on mechanisms to prevent corruption in the country’s Parliament and judiciary.

  • EU Agency Reviews Eurosur Impacts on Fundamental Rights

    December 04, 2018

    Following a European Commission request to review the European Border Surveillance System (Eurosur), the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights produced a report containing a list of policy recommendations including a call for countries to bind themselves to explicit fundamental rights language in deals on border surveillance.

  • ECtHR: Exclusion of Woman in Hijab from Courtroom Violated Rights

    December 03, 2018

    The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently held that Belgian authorities had violated the right to religious freedom of a woman excluded from entering a courtroom because she declined to remove her Islamic headscarf in line with court regulations.

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