Human Rights

  • CoE Body Criticizes Hungary's Migrant Detention Practices

    November 09, 2016

    The Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment has issued a report listing its concerns regarding the conditions of detention of migrants in Hungary and questioning whether the country's border policies accorded with its international human rights obligations.

  • ECtHR: Hungary Violated NGO's Right to Information

    November 09, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that the refusal by Hungarian law enforcement authorities to disclose to a nongovernmental organization data on their selection of public defenders for the purpose of a study on the quality of the defenders' work violated the NGO's right to freedom of expression.

  • ECtHR: Sanctions Violated Hungarian MP's Speech Rights

    November 08, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that the Hungarian Parliament violated the right of a Member from an opposition political party to freedom of expression by fining him for making an insulting gesture during a session and for later refusing to permit him to make a speech accusing the majority party of criminal conduct without recourse to a remedy.

  • ECtHR: Switzerland Violated Rights by Refusing Reunification

    November 08, 2016

    Citing the Swiss Federal Supreme Court's "brief" investigation of the child's best interests and "rather summary reasoning" in its decision, the European Court of Human Rights has held that the Swiss court violated the right to family life of an Egyptian teenager by refusing his application to reunite with his father in Switzerland after spending most of his life in Egypt.

  • HRW Files Spying Claim Against UK at ECtHR

    November 07, 2016

    Human Rights Watch has filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) calling for the UK Investigatory Powers Tribunal, which hears complaints regarding the country's intelligence services, to reveal whether British intelligence agencies subjected them to surveillance and whether such surveillance was lawful.

  • EU Official Criticizes Questioning of Rights Agenda

    November 03, 2016

    The Irish Times reports that Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Michael O'Flaherty warned in a recent address about the "frightening" implications of some "influential voices in EU society" questioning the validity of supranational human rights structures in Europe.

  • Agency Seeks Centralized EU Justice Rules

    October 27, 2016

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights will host an event in November in Bratislava, Slovakia, focusing on cross-border access to justice in the EU and promoting common rules on justice systems throughout the bloc.

  • Transnational Bodies Push "Social Rights" Agenda

    October 26, 2016

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights announced its participation in a meeting of the Joint Collaborative Platform on Social and Economic Rights, a group including the Council of Europe, European Network of National Human Rights Institutions, and the European Network of Equality Bodies pushing for the recognition and monitoring of social and economic rights.

  • ECtHR: Austria Violated Rights on Bank Scandal Reporting

    October 25, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has found that the Austrian courts violated a newspaper's freedom of expression by upholding a civil claim against it for revealing the name of the manager at a bank, half of whose shares belonged to a state government, subject to criminal proceedings for approving speculative transactions.

  • ECtHR: Montenegrin Civil Immunity Rule Violates Rights

    October 25, 2016

    Basing its interpretation of international law on the provisions of a 2004 treaty neither the US nor Montenegro has ratified, the European Court of Human Rights has held that the refusal by Montegrin courts to permit former employees of the US Embassy in the country to sue the US for civil damages over their dismissal violated their human rights.

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