Human Rights

  • ECtHR: Residence Permit Rule Discriminated Against Gay Couple

    July 12, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that the Italian government unlawfully discriminated against a gay couple by refusing to grant a foreign member of the couple a residence permit, finding that it was impossible to satisfy the conditions of the permit because Italy did not at the time recognize the validity of same-sex marriages.

  • EU Committee Seeks Robust "Social Rights"

    July 11, 2016

    The EU Committee of the Regions recently hosted a discussion praising the development by the European Commission of a "European pillar of social rights" and calling for involvement of regional and local authorities to address social inequalities and ensure access to benefits.

  • FRA Hosts Trainers on Justice and Home Affairs

    July 11, 2016

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights recently hosted a meeting of training coordinators for EU Justice and Home Affairs agencies to discuss joint initiatives among these trainers on aspects of the FRA agenda.

  • ECtHR: Hungary Violated Rights of Judge

    June 29, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that the Government of Hungary violated the rights of a former President of the country's Supreme Court to freedom of expression and access to a court by removing him from his post through the adoption of a new Constitution in 2012.

  • FRA, ECtHR Publish Handbook on Access to Justice

    June 29, 2016

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the European Court of Human Rights have released a publication called the "Handbook on European Law Relating to Access to Justice," which outlines European standards on the right to access justice in various areas of legal practice.

  • ECtHR: Courts Must Examine UN Targeted Sanctions

    June 27, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that Swiss courts violated the right to a fair hearing of an Iraqi national sanctioned by the UN Security Council for his participation in the regime of Saddam Hussein because the courts declined to review whether the inclusion of the applicant on the sanctions list was "arbitrary."

  • Party Leader: Brexit Would Reduce Rights Protection

    June 23, 2016

    Confirming assertions by UK observers that the Court of Justice of the EU can use the European fundamental rights charter to strike down UK legislation, UK Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett writes that Britons should vote to remain in the EU to ensure that the ECJ continues to protect their human rights.

  • ECtHR: Beard Ban Violated Prisoner's Rights

    June 16, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that a Lithuanian prison's absolute ban on the growing of beards, with the aim of "preventing disorder and crime among prisoners," is a violation of prisoners' right to respect for private life.

  • CoE Report Criticizes Poland for Rule of Law "Erosion"

    June 15, 2016

    A report from Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks criticizes the Polish government and legal framework for a variety of abuses, including the government's dispute with the constitutional tribunal, surveillance legislation, public media regulation, and failure to introduce "comprehensive sexuality education" and legalize abortion.

  • ECtHR: Polish Detention Measures Violated Man's Rights

    June 15, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that the Polish authorities' prolonged solitary detention of a man accused of taking part in an international organized criminal group during his trial and placement in a cage in the courtroom during the criminal proceedings violated the man's rights under the European Convention on Human Rights.

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