Human Rights

  • ECtHR Rules French Doctors May Remove Man's Life Support

    June 08, 2015

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has ruled that French courts did not violate the right to life and right against torture of a man who has been in a coma for seven years by permitting doctors to remove the man's intravenous feeding and hydration tube.

  • Hannan: Withdrawing from ECHR Would Not "Scrap" Rights

    June 05, 2015

    UK Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan writes that Britain's departure from the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") would not "scrap" human rights but rather ensure that these rights are interpreted and implemented in the "law-based liberal democracy" of the UK.

  • Timothy: U.K. Should Withdraw from ECHR

    June 03, 2015

    Nick Timothy, former Chief of Staff to the British Home Secretary, writes that in order to reclaim the authority of the U.K. Parliament to decide the proper balance among human rights, Britain should produce a new Bill of Rights and withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR").

  • Guardian: U.K. Prepared to Break with ECHR

    June 03, 2015

    The Guardian reports that U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron is keeping open the option of withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR") if his calls for the recognition of British parliamentary authority over Strasbourg judgments are not answered.

  • U.K. May Consider "English Bill of Rights"

    June 03, 2015

    The Independent reports that the U.K. Justice Secretary Michael Gove may be considering sidestepping opposition of Scottish officials to the Government's plan to replace the U.K. Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights by preparing an "English Bill of Rights" that does not apply to Scotland.

  • Murray: Pro-HRA Campaign Spreads "Misinformation"

    June 02, 2015

    Douglas Murray of the Henry Jackson Society writes that the campaign to stop the replacement of the U.K. Human Rights Act ("HRA") with a British Bill of Rights often ignores the fact that Britain recognized the rights at the basis of the HRA prior to its passage in 1998.

  • Pearson: ECHR-Inspired Act Makes Britain Less Safe

    May 29, 2015

    Allison Pearson writes that the U.K. Human Rights Act, which requires British judges to "take into account" rulings from a supranational court on the European Convention on Human Rights ("ECHR"), makes the British people less safe by hamstringing the authority of the government to protect them.

  • Lord Judge Expresses Concern on ECtHR Influence

    May 27, 2015

    Former Lord Chief Justice Judge has indicated that he has “great reservations” about the European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR”) countering decisions of the U.K. Parliament and that the U.K. must make a clear decision on the future of the British Human Rights Act.

  • Judge: ECtHR Judgments Do Not Bind U.K. Courts

    May 27, 2015

    Lord Justice Leveson of the U.K. Queen's Bench Division has argued that although U.K. judges initially looked upon judgments from the European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR”) as binding, they have more recently understood that they are not required to follow these precedents.

  • Heartfield: ECHR-Based Act Has Not Protected Rights in U.K.

    May 27, 2015

    Author James Heartfield argues that the U.K.’s implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”) through its Human Rights Act restricted human rights in the U.K. by giving the responsibility of rights protection to a judiciary with limited, procedure-based authority.

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