Rozenberg Outlines U.K. Human Rights Options
September 03, 2014
In a recent article in The Guardian, Joshua Rozenberg analyzes the U.K.'s options for protecting its sovereignty in the area of human rights.
COE Expresses Concern over Missouri Police Response to Protesters
August 27, 2014
Secretary General of the Council of Europe ("COE") Thorbjørn Jagland has voiced concern at the use of force by Missouri police on individuals protesting the recent shooting of teenager Michael Brown and calls on the U.S. "to look into the socio-economic background" of why protesters took to the streets.
O'Neill: EU "Right to Be Forgotten" Erodes Freedom
August 20, 2014
Brendan O'Neill writes in The Telegraph that the Court of Justice of the EU's decision requiring search engines to eliminate links to information deemed irrelevant is eroding media freedom and the public's "right to know" about facts that have previously been reported on news sites.
Experts Warn EU Data Privacy Laws May Hamper Research
August 20, 2014
A joint letter from directors of science institutions across Europe warns that an amended EU law seeking to standardize the level of data protection afforded to individuals throughout the bloc would make the use of personal data in social science research in Europe far more difficult.
ECHR Prisoner Voting Rights Decision Fans Flames of U.K. Euroskepticism
August 13, 2014
The European Court of Human Rights ("ECHR") has held that the U.K. ban on prisoner voting is a human rights violation.
Grayling Announces Plans for U.K. Human Rights Act Repeal
August 06, 2014
U.K. Secretary of State for Justice Chris Grayling says the Conservative Party will issue a policy document outlining plans to repeal the U.K. Human Rights Act in favor of a British Bill of Rights, and to reinstate supremacy of British courts over human rights law.
House of Lords Committee Criticizes "Right to Be Forgotten"
August 06, 2014
A report from the House of Lords Committee on the EU finds that the Court of Justice of the EU's recent decision establishing a right to have one's information removed from online search results gives EU citizens a right that is neither enforceable by governments nor practicable for companies to carry out.
ECJ Denies Right of Access to Personal Data in Legal Analyses
August 06, 2014
The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has held that the right to access personal data under the EU Data Protection Directive does not apply to personal data used by government agencies in the conduct of a legal examination of a person's status or rights.
EU Regulators Question Tech Companies on "Right to Be Forgotten"
July 30, 2014
EU data regulators have sent a series of questions to tech companies seeking information on how these companies plan to implement the Court of Justice of the EU's recent decision that they must take down certain links upon the request of individuals.
European Court Decides Poland Violated Human Rights with CIA Cooperation
July 28, 2014
In a controversial decision, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the Polish Government violated human rights by cooperating with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA") in operating "black sites" - where terror suspects were allegedly taken for interrogation and torture - in its territory.