European Court of Justice Rules Against Polish Judicial Reform
November 06, 2019
The European Court of Justice has ruled that Polish judicial reforms aimed at lowering the retirement age of ordinary court judges violated EU law, finding that the reforms introduced political influence over the judiciary by giving the justice minister the ability to retain certain judges beyond their retirement age.
European Institutions Meet to Fight Against "Environmental Crime"
November 01, 2019
At a conference titled "International collaboration and co-operation in the fight against environmental crime," jointly organized by Eurojust and the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment ("ENPE"), more than 100 specialists from four continents shared information and best practices for reducing environmental crime.
Advocate General to EU Court Criticizes Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic for Stance on Refugee Quota Compliance
November 01, 2019
In a non-binding opinion, Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston of the EU Court of Justice has opined that Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic “failed to fulfill their obligations under EU law” by not complying with the “provisional and time-limited mechanism for the mandatory relocation” of people seeking international protection.
ECtHR Rejects Greek Religion Disclosure Requirement
November 01, 2019
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that,as a condition of securing an exemption for their children from religious education classes in government-run schools, the Greek Government cannot require parents to to declare that they are not Orthodox Christians.
French Privacy Watchdog Concerned about Facial Recognition Trial in High Schools
October 30, 2019
A French data protection authority has warned that plans to start trialing facial recognition tools at high schools in southern France do not comply with privacy laws and cannot legally be implemented.
European Court Finds Violation of Journalist’s Freedom of Expression
October 23, 2019
The European Court of Human Rights has decided that a decision by Hungarian authorities to deny a journalist access to reception facilities for asylum-seekers violated his right to freedom of expression.
EU Challenges Poland over Judiciary Disciplinary Law
October 15, 2019
The European Commission has referred Poland to the Court of Justice of the European Union (the "ECJ") over its disciplinary regime for Polish judges, under which Polish judges can be investigated and sanctioned for court rulings deemed not meeting proper legal standards.
Ukraine Delegation Refuses to Attend PACE Session
September 25, 2019
In response to the return of the Russian Federation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe ("PACE") session hall without meeting the requirements of PACE resolutions approved in response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Ukraine's delegation to PACE has formally refused to participate in the autumn session of the organization.
Solicitors Express Need for Facial Recognition Technology Legal Framework
September 10, 2019
In a euronews.com op-ed, Michael Drury and Julian Hayes of BCL Solicitors, LLP explain that regulators, the courts, and legislators need to provide a clear and up-to-date legal framework to ensure that facial recognition technology ("FRT") is used securely and within the boundaries of what is regarded as acceptable by society as a whole.
Eurojust Launches Counter-Terrorism Register
September 06, 2019
Eurojust, the EU’s agency for judicial cooperation, launched on 5 September a Counter-Terrorism Register to help each EU country quickly exchange information about any potential terrorist activities.