Law & Justice

  • CoE Group Scrutinizes Swedish Response to Violence Against Women

    January 21, 2019

    The Council of Europe’s (CoE) Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence has critiqued the Swedish government for failing to devote enough resources to the enforcement of laws barring violence against women and for a “lack of effective multi-agency co-operation” on the issue.

  • EC Investigates Dutch Tax Treatment of Nike

    January 16, 2019

    The European Commission (EC) has launched an investigation to determine whether certain Dutch tax rulings regarding US-based apparel company Nike breached EU “state aid” rules by helping to reduce the company’s taxable base in the Netherlands.

  • Barrister: WTO Rules Provide Cushion for “No Deal” Brexit

    January 16, 2019

    UK barrister Martin Howe QC asserts that Britain’s withdrawal from the EU without an agreement “is not a step into a legal vacuum,” as World Trade Organization (WTO) rules would reduce trade friction between the UK and EU for as long as there is no free trade deal with the bloc.

  • Germany Agrees British Residence Rights in Case of “No-Deal” Brexit

    January 10, 2019

    Reuters reports that the German government has confirmed that it will permit UK citizens to retain German residence rights for at least three months in the event a withdrawal deal is not agreed between the UK and EU upon Britain’s departure from the bloc.

  • UK, EFTA, Switzerland Agree Deals on Citizens’ Rights

    January 09, 2019

    The UK government has reached deals with European Free Trade Area (EFTA) countries and with Switzerland to protect the rights of each other’s citizens and to retain cooperation on other justice and trade issues in the event of the failure of the UK and EU to reach an agreement on the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the bloc.

  • Romania Claims Bias in Treatment by EU

    January 08, 2019

    The Associated Press reports that, prior to taking over the rotating presidency of the European Council, Romanian officials accused EU authorities of hypocrisy in its dealings with their country, pointing to a special EU monitoring mechanism seeking to promote the rule of law in the country’s justice system as an example of the bloc’s double standards.

  • EC Orders Gibraltar to Collect EUR 100 Million in Taxes

    January 08, 2019

    The European Commission (EC) has determined that Gibraltar violated EU rules on “state aid” by exempting corporate interest and royalties from taxation - along with issuing various tax rulings - and has ordered the country’s government to recoup what the EC says is 100 million euros in unpaid corporate taxes.

  • ECJ Strikes down German Law on Identity Checks

    January 03, 2019

    The Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) recently held that a German law requiring operators of bus services to check passports and residence permits of passengers prior to crossing the country’s national borders violates EU rules allowing permitless travel within the Schengen zone.

  • ECJ Official: German Search-Engine Rule Is Invalid

    January 03, 2019

    Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) Advocate General Gerard Hogan recently advised the ECJ to rule that Germany must not apply legislation requiring search engines to seek the permission of publishers to show previews of media content, as the government failed to notify the European Commission of its plans to implement the law.

  • EU Begins Enforcing Rules Against Tax Avoidance

    January 02, 2019

    In a recent press release, the European Commission highlighted EU rules that entered into force this week discouraging “aggressive tax planning” through measures including a requirement that EU members tax corporate profits shifted to certain offshore jurisdictions.

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