Poland Accedes to ECJ Order on Judicial Retirement Law
December 19, 2018
EurActiv reports that, this week, the Polish government complied with an order from the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) demanding the suspension of a law lowering the retirement age of the country’s Supreme Court judges pending a final ECJ decision on the law in 2019.
NGO: EU Institutions Must Make Examples of Hungary, Poland
December 19, 2018
Philippe Dam of nongovernmental organization Human Rights Watch has criticized the EU Council and European Commission for these institutions’ failure to effectively clamp down on Hungary and Poland for alleged violations of the rule of law and fundamental rights.
ECJ Rules UK Can Cancel Brexit Process
December 18, 2018
The Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) has held that the UK can “revoke unilaterally” the notification of its intent to leave the EU prior to the end of the two-year withdrawal process.
EC Publishes Action Plan Against Disinformation
December 17, 2018
The European Commission (EC) recently presented an EU-wide action plan on countering disinformation to protect Europe’s “democratic systems and public debates” in advance of the 2019 European Parliamentary elections, including by setting up a Rapid Alert System to inform EU institutions and member states about disinformation threats.
Italy Plans New Budget to Avoid EU Punishment
December 14, 2018
Politico reports that Italian officials indicate they will respond to pressure from the European Commission over their planned 2019 budget by dialing back spending to avoid up to EUR 9 billion in sanctions under the EU’s excessive deficit procedure.
ECJ Forces Poland to Reverse Judicial Retirement Policy
December 10, 2018
In November, the Polish Parliament passed an amendment to the country’s judicial reform law reversing course on lowering the retirement age of Supreme Court judges, in compliance with an order from the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) to suspend the policy change.
Irish Court Surrenders Man to Poland Despite Judicial Controversy
December 10, 2018
The Irish Times reports that Ireland’s High Court has ordered authorities to surrender a man wanted in Poland on drug trafficking charges under the terms of the European Arrest Warrant because alleged “generalised and systemic” violations of Polish judicial independence did not threaten the suspect’s right to a fair trial.
EC Proposes Counterterrorism Mandate for EU Prosecutor
December 04, 2018
In September, the European Commission (EC) proposed extending the powers of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which now focuses solely on criminal misuse of EU funds and fraud in the value-added tax (VAT) system, to tackle cross-border terrorism.
EP Launches Legal Process Against Hungary
December 03, 2018
In September, the European Parliament (EP) voted to launch an EU legal process under which EU member states could impose sanctions against Hungary, including suspending its EU voting rights, in light of allegations that Hungary has violated EU values in areas including judicial independence, freedom of expression, and minority rights.
EU Lawmakers Approve Strict Online Copyright Rules
December 03, 2018
The Verge reports that the European Parliament recently approved a Copyright Directive, set for final approval in early 2019, that allows online publishers to demand payment from search engines that provide certain links to their articles and requires social media companies to clamp down on the sharing of unlicensed copyrighted material.