Law & Justice

  • EU Issues Google a Record Fine in Antitrust Case

    June 28, 2017

    The European Commission has demanded that internet giant Google pay a fine of approximately $2.71 billion for abusing its market dominance under EU antitrust laws by promoting its shopping service over those of other companies on its search results page.

  • EU Mounts Legal Challenges to Migration Resistance

    June 14, 2017

    Reuters reports that the European Commission has announced that it is opening a legal complaint against Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic for their refusal to accept the resettlement in their territory of a proportion of asylum seekers who have arrived in recent years in the EU from North Africa and the Middle East.

  • Germany: Link EU Funding to Rule-of-Law Adherence

    May 31, 2017

    Politico reports that, concerned with the inability of EU institutions to discipline Poland over its ongoing constitutional conflict, a German position paper on EU budget rules seeks a way to withhold the bloc's "cohesion funds" for developing regions from countries that fail to uphold "fundamental principles of the rule of law.”

  • Officials Push for EU Sanctions on Poland

    May 17, 2017

    Reuters reports that, at a recent meeting of foreign ministers of EU member states, officials from multiple countries recommended that the EU impose consequences on Poland if the government fails to resolve its rule-of-law dispute with the Constitutional Court in line with demands from the European Commission.

  • EP Committee Approves Ban on ‘Hate Speech’ in Online Videos

    April 26, 2017

    The European Parliament’s (EP) culture committee has approved a legislative proposal that could require online social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to remove video content deemed to contain “hate speech” that could offend viewers or encourage violence.

  • German Government Stops Sending Migrants Back to Hungary

    April 12, 2017

    The German government has announced that it will no longer send migrants back to Hungary after accusations that Hungary’s treatment of migrants is in violation of international and EU law.

  • EU Considers Ultimatum over Migrant Resettlement

    April 05, 2017

    The Times reports that, according to EU sources, leaders of the bloc's member states are planning to issue an ultimatum to Poland and Hungary to abide by EU policies mandating the resettlement of migrants within their territories or "get out of the EU."

  • ECJ Approves Student Visa Denial for Public Security

    April 05, 2017

    Politico reports that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled national governments “enjoy a wide discretion” in the visa approval process and may deny student visa requests based on “potential” public security threats.

  • EU Official Backs off Polish Sanction Threat

    March 30, 2017

    Faced with Polish resistance over the European Commission's demands under the EU Rule of Law Mechanism to resolve a conflict over the country's Constitutional Tribunal, Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans has signaled his body will not pursue sanctions under the Mechanism, as such a step would be "self-defeating."

  • EU Plans "Multi-Speed" Prosecutor's Office

    March 30, 2017

    EurActiv reports that EU leaders have bypassed concerns from countries that an EU Public Prosecutors' Office will become a centralized justice ministry that takes competences from EU member states by brokering an "enhanced cooperation" deal permitting EU members the choice whether to recognize the powers of this new EU prosecutorial body.

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