Law & Justice

  • Committee Backs EU Terror Framework

    December 14, 2016

    The European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee has voted to support a deal among the EU institutions on comprehensive legislation criminalizing the preparation of terrorist acts in EU member states, including a clause demanded by the EU Parliament emphasizing that authorities must respect fundamental rights and freedoms.

  • ECJ Considers Status of Uber Under EU Law

    December 07, 2016

    The New York Times reports that the Court of Justice of the EU recently heard a case from Spain regarding whether EU law should classify the ride-sharing technology company Uber as a transportation service, in which case it would be forced to offer a range of employee benefits to drivers, or simply a digital platform to connect drivers and passengers.

  • EU Maintains Funding Despite National Budget Violations

    November 22, 2016

    Reuters reports that the European Commission, in line with its calls for a more lenient fiscal policy throughout the eurozone, has decided not to penalize Spain or Portugal for violating rules on excessive deficits by suspending funding for these countries next year.

  • UK Opts into EU Law Enforcement Agency

    November 16, 2016

    The Telegraph reports that, as the UK government prepares to renegotiate its relationship with the EU following the June referendum vote to leave the bloc, British officials have decided to opt back into Europol, the EU law enforcement and intelligence-sharing agency over which the Court of Justice of the EU exercises jurisdiction, prior to Brexit.

  • Germany Lobbies UK to Remain in Europol

    November 07, 2016

    The Guardian reports that German officials are lobbying the UK government, despite the latter's pending plans to exit the EU, to remain a partner of Europol as the European Parliament and EU member states are set to gain, in May 2017, more control over the functions of the EU law enforcement and intelligence agency.

  • UK Opts into EU Crime Database

    November 02, 2016

    The Independent reports that the UK government has decided to participate in the "Prüm Decision," which provides for EU countries to share a database of DNA samples, fingerprints, and vehicle registration information for law enforcement and counterterrorism purposes.

  • Poland: EU Oversteps Authority on Rule of Law Probe

    October 31, 2016

    EUobserver reports that the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has argued in a letter to the European Commission that its probe of the government's treatment of the country's Constitutional Tribunal under the EU Rule of Law Mechanism is biased and lacks "respect for sovereignty, subsidiarity, and national identity."

  • NGOs Succeed in EU Legal Aid Push

    October 28, 2016

    The nongovernmental organization Open Society Foundations has published an article detailing the close involvement of it and other NGOs in pressuring the EU to pass "comprehensive" legislation prescribing specific rules on how EU member states must provide legal aid to criminal defendants.

  • EU Parliament Calls for Watchdog on Justice and Rights

    October 27, 2016

    The European Parliament has adopted a resolution calling on the EU to establish a watchdog to administer a "binding EU mechanism" requiring member states "to monitor and report annually on their records" in the fields of democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights.

  • CoE Body Criticizes Softened Legislation on Polish Judiciary

    October 20, 2016

    The Council of Europe's body of constitutional experts, the Venice Commission, has criticized a new Polish law on the country's Constitutional Tribunal - responding to objections the Commission raised regarding a previous law - for threatening the independence of the judiciary and challenging the position of the Tribunal as the "final arbiter" on constitutional issues.

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