Law & Justice

  • ECJ Approves Migrant Benefits Restrictions for Limited Period

    February 26, 2016

    The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has ruled that, because governments cannot require migrants from other EU countries to have a sufficient income or medical benefits during the first three months of their visit, they may refuse to offer social benefits to these migrants during that time.

  • British Minister: ECJ Could Overturn UK-EU Deal

    February 26, 2016

    UK Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove has argued that the deal reached by Prime Minister David Cameron and other leaders to reform the relationship of Britain and the EU is not legally binding, as it is subject to the review of the Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ").

  • Austria Plans Asylum Cap over EU Objections

    February 23, 2016

    EurActiv reports that, in response to the large number of migrants attempting to cross its borders, and despite a warning from the European Commission that its proposal violates EU and international law, Austria plans to proceed with capping at 80 its daily number of asylum demands.

  • Article: EU Should Grant "Breathing Room" to Poland

    February 23, 2016

    David Wemer of Young Professionals in Foreign Policy writes that, while the EU should continue to monitor rule-of-law developments in Poland in light of the government's controversial actions with regard to the country's Constitutional Court, it should not give "ammunition" to euroskeptics who would be quick to point out EU overreach in national affairs.

  • EU Adopts Rules on "Presumption of Innocence"

    February 23, 2016

    The Council of the EU has adopted a directive, which will enter into force in two years, setting out requirements for the recognition of the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence to be implemented by EU member states with oversight by the European Commission.

  • US Warns EU on Targeting of American Companies

    February 12, 2016

    EUobserver reports that US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has sent a letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker accusing the Commission of "disproportionately" and unfairly targeting American companies in recent tax probes.

  • ECJ Opinion Limits Deportation of Criminals with Children

    February 10, 2016

    Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") Maciej Szpunar has found in a preliminary opinion that countries cannot automatically deport migrants who have a child born in the EU for having a criminal record.

  • ECJ Annuls Freezing of Ukrainian Officials' Funds

    February 09, 2016

    The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has announced that the freezing of the funds of five former Ukrainian officials under investigation by the Ukrainian Government for misappropriation of finances was invalid, as there was not sufficient evidence of criminal activity on which to base these sanctions.

  • Google Faces EU Pressure on Tax Deals

    February 08, 2016

    Politico reports that EU and national authorities in EU member states are supplementing their pressure on competition and privacy issues against internet giant Google with calls for greater transparency in the company's tax payments to individual European governments.

  • ECJ Official: Undocumented Migrant Cannot Be Imprisoned

    February 04, 2016

    Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") Advocate General Maciej Szpunar has advised that the ECJ should overturn the imprisonment of Ghanaian national caught in France attempting to take the train to London using someone else's passport, reasoning that the migrant was not trying to cross an external EU border and has not been asked to leave the bloc.

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