Article Highlights Complexity of EU Data Reform
December 30, 2015
An analysis of new EU data protection rules on The National Law Review points to the potential complexity and pitfalls for US technology companies that operate in Europe and must make substantial reforms in their handling of data over the coming years in order to comply.
EU Institutions Face Allegations of Whistleblower Retaliation
December 28, 2015
POLITICO reports that a number of complaints regarding retaliation against whistleblowers at EU institutions, including multiple allegations against the bloc's Agency for Fundamental Rights, highlight growing concerns that these entities are not implementing EU rules on protections for employees who report wrongdoing.
ECJ: Minimum Alcohol Pricing Violates EU Law
December 28, 2015
The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has declared that Scottish legislation setting out minimum prices for alcohol in order to limit over-drinking in the country violates EU law because it improperly restricts the market and could be accomplished through a less-restrictive alcohol tax.
Germany Threatens Legal Action for Ignoring Refugee Quotas
December 22, 2015
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has threatened to take to court countries, such as Slovakia and Hungary, that refuse to accept Syrian and North African refugees under a mandated EU quota system agreed over their objections last month.
EU Passenger Record Stokes Privacy Fears
December 22, 2015
In a recent article, Chris Muspratt of the euroskeptic campaign Get Britain Out expresses concerns that the EU's proposed Passenger Name Record, which would gather information about airline passengers traveling in the EU, would violate privacy protections without making citizens of EU countries safer.
Companies Will Deal with "Huge Reach" of EU Data Rules
December 22, 2015
The Wall Street Journal describes provisions from recently agreed EU data privacy regulations, including the expansion of the "right to be forgotten," heightened sanctions for data-privacy violations, and a "pan-European board of regulators," asserting that the rules will produce a "stricter and untested legal regime."
ECJ Overturns Airline Cartel Decision
December 21, 2015
Finding that the decision was "not entirely internally consistent," the Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has overturned a large fine imposed on a set of airlines in 2010 by the European Commission for alleged collusion in passing on fuel and security costs to consumers.
EU Data Protection Deal Concerns Tech Companies
December 21, 2015
POLITICO reports that internet and other technological companies are opposing an agreement on a data-protection package among EU institutions that provides for stiff penalties in cases of failing to meet EU standards and expands consumers' so-called "right to be forgotten" online.
EU Proposal Ramps up Arms Control
December 18, 2015
Following the November terrorist attacks in Paris, Members of the European Parliament will debate proposals to centralize arms exports controls through the creation of a European Arms Control Authority, and to clamp down on the sales of semi-automatic weapons and of spare parts for firearms.
EU Proposal Would Override National Border Policies
December 16, 2015
POLITICO reports that various countries are voicing concerns over the sovereignty implications of a European Commission proposal that would grant authority to the EU border control agency Frontex to intervene in countries "in urgent situations" without the countries' consent when the agency finds these countries are not effectively policing their borders.