European Court of Justice Rules Against Polish Judicial Reform
November 06, 2019
The European Court of Justice has ruled that Polish judicial reforms aimed at lowering the retirement age of ordinary court judges violated EU law, finding that the reforms introduced political influence over the judiciary by giving the justice minister the ability to retain certain judges beyond their retirement age.
Italy to Make Climate Change Study Compulsory in Schools
November 06, 2019
According to Education Minister Lorenzo Fioramonti, next year, Italy will become the world's first country to make it compulsory for schoolchildren to study climate change and sustainable development, with traditional subjects, such as geography, mathematics, and physics, to also be studied from the perspective of sustainable development.
European Institutions Meet to Fight Against "Environmental Crime"
November 01, 2019
At a conference titled "International collaboration and co-operation in the fight against environmental crime," jointly organized by Eurojust and the European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment ("ENPE"), more than 100 specialists from four continents shared information and best practices for reducing environmental crime.
Advocate General to EU Court Criticizes Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic for Stance on Refugee Quota Compliance
November 01, 2019
In a non-binding opinion, Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston of the EU Court of Justice has opined that Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic “failed to fulfill their obligations under EU law” by not complying with the “provisional and time-limited mechanism for the mandatory relocation” of people seeking international protection.
ECtHR Rejects Greek Religion Disclosure Requirement
November 01, 2019
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that,as a condition of securing an exemption for their children from religious education classes in government-run schools, the Greek Government cannot require parents to to declare that they are not Orthodox Christians.