EU Members Advance Refugee “Solidarity Mechanism”
July 23, 2019
Deutsche Welle reports that 14 EU member states have agreed in principle to a “solidarity mechanism” that would distribute refugees evenly across countries in a “quick” and “automatic” fashion.
Commission Offers New Options for Post-Brexit Irish Border
July 19, 2019
UK Member of Parliament Nicky Morgan describes how the final report of the Alternative Arrangements Commission, set up by the nongovernmental organization Prosperity UK, offers fresh options for the post-Brexit Irish border that can replace the controversial “backstop” provision in the current UK-EU deal.
Finnish PM Plans to Advance EU Rule-of-Law Budget Rules
July 18, 2019
EURACTIV reports that Finnish Prime Minister Antti Rinne has told the European Parliament that his government will work toward conditioning the disbursement of EU development funds to member states on compliance with rule-of-law principles while it holds the rotating EU Council presidency.
EC Proceeds with Legal Action Against Polish Judicial Reforms
July 18, 2019
In its latest pressure on the Polish government to reverse reforms to the country’s judiciary, the European Commission (EC) has sent a “reasoned opinion” to Polish officials explaining why their new disciplinary procedure for judges violates the principle of judicial independence and threatening referral to the Court of Justice of the EU.
UK Leadership Candidates Vow to Jettison Irish Backstop
July 18, 2019
Reuters reports that the two candidates to lead the UK Conservative Party, and become the next Prime Minister, have both announced plans to scrap the “Irish backstop,” a provision in the currently negotiated UK-EU Brexit deal that would subject Northern Ireland to EU rules in case no further deal is agreed.