European Institutions

  • Poland Backs off Some Judicial Changes as ECJ Ruling Approaches

    May 08, 2019

    Politico reports that, as a judgment approaches from the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) on a Polish law reforming the country’s Supreme Court, the ruling party in Poland has backed off on some of its changes to the institution, including on the selection of the Court’s President and judicial immunity.

  • Polish PM’s EU Reform Plan Focuses on National Sovereignty

    May 01, 2019

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has published a five-point plan for EU reform that includes bloc-wide innovation and inequality strategies, combating protectionism, defense of borders, and handing great policymaking power to national parliaments.

  • EU Council Calls for “Mainstreaming” SDGs

    May 01, 2019

    In recent conclusions it adopted on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Council of the EU calls the SDGs “an overarching priority of the EU” and pushes the European Commission “to mainstream the SDGs into all relevant internal and external EU policies.”

  • ECJ Adviser Seeks Dismissal of Challenge to EU Firearms Law

    May 01, 2019

    Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) Advocate General Eleanor Sharpston has advised the ECJ to dismiss the Czech Republic’s challenge of EU restrictions on the acquisition and possession of certain firearms because these EU regulations were valid under EU powers to maintain the free movement of goods.

  • CoE Agent: States Must Separate Migration Control, Integration Policies

    May 01, 2019

    According to a paper by the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe (CoE) on migration and refugees Tomáš Boček, European human rights standards demand that governments refrain from pursuing goals on controlling migration numbers in their migrant integration policies.

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