Lawmaker: UK, EU Can Solve Irish Border Impasse
April 24, 2019
Member of the UK Parliament and Chair of the Treasury Select Committee Nicky Morgan writes that the Irish “backstop” issue, which is at the heart of the conflict over the Prime Minister’s withdrawal agreement with the EU, is soluble if both sides can agree to no new physical infrastructure and to customs checks away from the border.
French Party Leader Supports EU-UK Talks on Customs Union
April 23, 2019
Politico reports that the lead candidate for the French President’s party for European elections, Nathalie Loiseau, has pointed to a post-Brexit EU-UK permanent customs union, limiting the UK’s ability to negotiate trade deals with other countries, as a compromise option the EU is prepared to discuss with UK negotiators.
EU Lawmakers Approve Rules to Slow Down Cars
April 23, 2019
The New York Times reports that a committee of the European Parliament has approved EU-wide rules requiring car manufacturers to include speed-limiting and emergency braking technology in all new car models beginning in the year 2022.
UK Official: No-Deal Brexit Tariff Plan Complies with WTO Rules
April 23, 2019
The Guardian reports that UK Environment Secretary Michael Gove has argued that waiving tariffs on goods crossing the Irish border in case of a no-deal Brexit would be legal under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules due to the special nature and needs of the Good Friday Agreement.
UK Authorities: WTO Rules Protect Post-Brexit Energy Flows
April 23, 2019
According to Reuters, the UK’s National Grid has confirmed that electricity and gas flows between Europe and Britain would continue unabated under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules in case of a no-deal Brexit.