EU Institutions Agree Future Funding for Climate Action
April 22, 2019
The European Parliament and Council of the EU have reached a provisional agreement on funding for the EU’s “Environment and Climate Action” program for 2021 to 2027, as the bloc expands its investments in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Paris climate plan in a bid to become “climate neutral” by the year 2050.
EU Official Seeks Economic Transformation to Achieve Climate Plan
April 22, 2019
At a plenary debate on climate change in the European Parliament, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Arias Cañete called for a “deep transformation of our model of economic development” to reach “net zero” European greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.
ECJ: “Extreme Poverty” Is Factor in Intra-EU Refugee Transfers
April 22, 2019
The Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) has ruled that EU member states are not permitted to return asylum seekers to different member states that would normally be responsible for processing their applications if the “expected” living conditions of the latter country could expose the asylum seeker to “extreme material poverty.”
EU, UK Delay Brexit to October
April 15, 2019
EU leaders have agreed to delay the planned date of Brexit to the end of October this year, increasing the likelihood that the UK will participate in European Parliament elections nearly three years after British voters sanctioned the country’s exit from the supranational bloc.
EU Report Seeks Expanded Remedies for Corporate Action Abroad
April 10, 2019
A group of academics has produced a report for the European Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Human Rights seeking to identify barriers to access to European courts by alleged victims of human rights abuses by EU-based companies and proposing, in response, significantly expanded due diligence requirements and judicial remedies for extraterritorial conduct.