European Institutions

  • CoE Manual Guides Authorities on “Intercultural” Policing

    March 27, 2019

    The Council of Europe’s (CoE) Intercultural Cities programme has published a manual on “Intercultural Community Policing” to guide police across Europe how to deal with conflicts arising out of spreading racism, xenophobia, “hate speech,” Islamophobia, and detrimental “political rhetoric” in urban communities.

  • Diplomats: EU Rule of Law “Peer Review” Process Gains Steam

    March 20, 2019

    German and Belgian diplomats have reported that over 20 EU member states recently backed a proposal for a bloc-wide “peer-review mechanism” through which governments would spotlight alleged political interference with the rule of law in other EU countries.

  • UK Lawmakers Approve Brexit Delay, Reject New Referendum

    March 14, 2019

    In a series of votes today, the UK House of Commons approved a motion authorizing the Prime Minister to negotiate a delayed departure from the EU and rejected an amendment calling for a second popular referendum on Brexit.

  • Merkel Supports Proposal for EU Aircraft Carrier

    March 14, 2019

    Deutsche Welle reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has supported proposals by head of her governing CDU party Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer for a “common European aircraft carrier” and a permanent EU seat on the UN Security Council.

  • French Lawmakers Approve Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly

    March 14, 2019

    Deutsche Welle reports that the French National Assembly has approved legislation that would, pending approval by the German Bundestag, create a joint Franco-German parliamentary assembly that would meet twice a year to propose non-binding resolutions for consideration by French and German lawmakers.

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