EU Parliament Approves Law on “Unfair” Food Supply Practices
March 13, 2019
The European Parliament has approved a proposal to ban a set of “unfair trading practices” in the European food supply chain, targeting large retailers and other companies accused by EU member states of unilaterally imposing certain conditions on supply agreements.
UK Parliament Votes Against No-Deal Brexit
March 13, 2019
The day after the UK House of Commons voted down a revised version of Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposed EU withdrawal deal, lawmakers voted in favor of a motion aimed at permanently preventing Britain from leaving the EU without first having negotiated exit terms with the bloc.
EC Files Legal Complaint Against Italy over Pollution
March 13, 2019
The European Commission (EC) has referred Italy to the Court of Justice of the EU over the government’s failure to comply with EU legislation on reducing air and water pollution, following similar cases filed against France, Germany, and the United Kingdom in 2018.
CoE Official: Conscience Rights Are “Barriers” to Reproductive Choice
March 13, 2019
Council of Europe (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović has called on governments to respect “sexual and reproductive health rights” to ensure women have access to services including abortions, citing as a “serious barrier” to women’s rights the refusal by doctors to provide abortions on conscience grounds.
UK Parliament Rejects Revised Brexit Deal
March 12, 2019
The UK Parliament has rejected a revised version of the Brexit deal agreed by UK Prime Minister Theresa May and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that would have limited, but not eliminated, the ability of the EU to keep Britain in its customs union on a permanent basis.