EU Agency Proposes Broad Ban on Microplastics
February 05, 2019
The Guardian reports that the European Chemicals Agency has proposed EU legislation banning microplastics that manufacturers intentionally add to products - representing about 90 percent of such microplastic pollutants.
EU Struggles to Agree Common Foreign Policy
February 05, 2019
An article in Politico highlights how the difficulty for EU member states to agree a common position on foreign policy issues, including on the situation in Venezuela and the disintegration of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, may nudge EU leaders toward deciding foreign policy positions on a non-unanimous basis.
EU Plans Emergency Aid for Farmers in Case of No-Deal Brexit
February 05, 2019
Showing the ramp-up in EU plans to accommodate a no-deal Brexit, Reuters reports that the European Commission (EC) has agreed to pay out million of euros in emergency aid to Irish farmers in case the UK leaves the bloc without a deal to compensate them for a potentially sharp reduction in prices.
UK Official Floats Potential Delay in Brexit
February 05, 2019
The BBC reports that UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has indicated the UK and the EU may need to agree to a delay in Brexit to accommodate the need to pass the appropriate legislation for Britain to withdraw from the supranational organization.
Flanders Seeks EU “Guarantee Fund” in Case of No-Deal Brexit
February 05, 2019
Highlighting the potential pitfalls for EU countries in permitting the UK to withdraw from the bloc without a deal, Politico reports that the Belgian region of Flanders is calling for the EU to provide emergency financial assistance to regions that are economically close to the UK in case of such a no-deal Brexit.