European Institutions

  • Committee: UK “Cannot” Pursue No-Deal Brexit

    February 04, 2019

    The UK House of Commons’ Exiting the EU Committee recently published a response to the rejection of British Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposal EU withdrawal deal warning that leaving the EU without a negotiated deal “cannot be allowed to happen,” citing economic disruption and uncertainty regarding rights protections.

  • Irish Official: EU Will Refuse to Negotiate Brexit “Backstop”

    February 04, 2019

    The Guardian reports that Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney has warned UK Prime Minister Theresa May that the Irish government and the EU will not renegotiate the “backstop” provision in the EU-UK withdrawal deal that would keep Northern Ireland within EU structures.

  • EP Member Seeks British Rethinking of Brexit

    February 04, 2019

    In a recent interview, the European Parliament’s (EP) representative on Brexit issues Guy Verhofstadt expressed optimism that the British Parliament would prevent a “no-deal” withdrawal from the EU and potentially “agree to a closer relationship” with the bloc that includes membership in a customs union and a single market.

  • EU Institutions Reach Deal on “Work-Life Balance” Proposal

    January 31, 2019

    The European Parliament and the Council of the EU have reached a deal on advancing a proposal for an EU directive on “work-life balance for parents and carers” setting new minimum Europe-wide standards on the amount of time off companies must grant new parents.

  • EU Chief Raises Customs Union as Alternative to Brexit Backstop

    January 31, 2019

    The Guardian reports that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker informed UK Prime Minister Theresa May that the price of revisiting a provision in the EU-UK withdrawal deal aimed at avoiding border checks in Ireland would be agreeing to form a customs union with the EU.

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