EU Official: “No-Deal Brexit” Would Require Germany to Plug Budget Hole
January 08, 2019
Deutsche Welle reports that European Commissioner for the budget Günther Oettinger has warned that Britain’s and the EU’s failure to approve a withdrawal deal would require the German government to pay hundreds of millions of euros extra into the EU budget to cover the funding gap produced by Brexit.
Legal Expert Pushes ECtHR to Overturn Blasphemy Decision
January 08, 2019
Constitutional law expert Dr. Tommaso Virgili calls on the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to overturn a decision upholding Austria’s right to convict a woman over insulting comments about Islam’s prophet Muhammad, presenting extensive arguments against the enforcement of laws against “blasphemy” in Europe.
EU Legislator Accuses Bloc of Operating “Authoritarian” Model
January 08, 2019
Czech Member of the European Parliament Dr. Jiří Payne argues that the EU operates an “authoritarian political system” in which member states must promote supranational objectives over the interests of their citizens and in which the bloc’s officials must adhere to the integrationist goals of the Union.
Romania Claims Bias in Treatment by EU
January 08, 2019
The Associated Press reports that, prior to taking over the rotating presidency of the European Council, Romanian officials accused EU authorities of hypocrisy in its dealings with their country, pointing to a special EU monitoring mechanism seeking to promote the rule of law in the country’s justice system as an example of the bloc’s double standards.
EU Investment Bank Issues “Green Loan” to Spanish Utility
January 08, 2019
In December, the European Investment Bank issued its first “Green Loan,” totaling 335 million euros, to Spanish electric utility company Endesa to fund the construction of 15 wind farms and 3 photovoltaic plants, as the development bank ramps up its efforts to advance the EU’s strategy to combat global warming.