Economists: UK Should Leave EU on WTO Terms
December 03, 2018
A British group called Economists for Free Trade recently published a paper arguing that Britain’s exit from the EU without an EU-UK trade deal but relying on World Trade Organization (WTO) rules would be highly advantageous to the UK and would permit the country to immediately benefit from Brexit.
Article: Weak Brexit Deal Risks UK Constitutional Tradition
December 03, 2018
Dr. Sheila Lawlor of think tank Politeia warns that Britain would be ignoring its long tradition of democracy and self-determination if it fails to exit EU structures as part of the country’s withdrawal from the bloc under the terms of the Brexit referendum and would be undermining its economic strengths.
Barrister: EFTA, EEA Membership Are Not Viable Post-Brexit Options
November 30, 2018
UK barrister Martin Howe QC explains why a post-Brexit arrangement in which Britain enters the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) or remains in the European Economic Area (EEA) would require the UK to follow rulings of the EU courts and not allow it to regain control of its laws and trade policy.
ECtHR Finds Turkish Violation of Publisher’s Free Speech Right
November 30, 2018
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) recently ruled that Turkey had violated the right of a publisher to freedom of expression by prosecuting him for denigrating the Turkish state, finding that the book in question, about the disappearance of journalist, was not “gratuitously offensive” and did not incite to hatred or violence.
Euroskeptics Launch “Irexit” Party in Dublin
November 30, 2018
The Irish Times reports that an academic, two journalists, and a former Irish diplomat are launching an “Irexit Freedom” party that will campaign in the country’s national and European elections calling for Ireland to leave the EU.