Italian Official: EU Fails to Negotiate Brexit in “Good Faith”
August 06, 2018
Politico reports that Italian Interior Minister and head of the Northern League political party Matteo Salvini has asserted the EU institutions are not negotiating the terms of Brexit with the UK in “good faith” and said he hopes Britain succeeds outside the EU as an example to other euroskeptics.
Shankar Critiques EU Rigidity on UK Trade Proposals
August 06, 2018
Aarti Shankar of the think tank Open Europe argues that the European Commission’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier is understating the flexibility of EU trade policy by questioning the feasibility of a “goods only” common rulebook proposed by the UK after Brexit, arguing that the EU has such arrangements with countries ranging from Ukraine to Switzerland.
Polish Court Asks ECJ to Consider Retirement Law
August 06, 2018
AP reports that the Polish Supreme Court has asked the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) for an advisory opinion on whether a Polish law lowering the mandatory retirement age for the Court’s judges complies with EU law relating to the fundamental rights and values of the bloc.
Netherlands Submits to EU Public Prosecutor’s Office
August 06, 2018
The European Commission has confirmed the Netherlands as the 21st EU country to submit to the authority of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, which investigates crimes, such as fraud and corruption, related to misuse of the EU budget through prosecutors stationed in Brussels and in each participating member state.
ECtHR Begins Accepting Advisory Opinion Requests
August 06, 2018
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has announced that Protocol No. 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights entered into force at the beginning of August, permitting the top courts of the 10 ratifying member states to submit requests to the ECtHR for advisory opinions on the interpretation of the Convention.