EU Parliament Adopts Resolution on Indigenous Rights, Business Conduct
August 03, 2018
The Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organization highlights its contribution to a resolution recently adopted by the European Parliament calling on EU bodies and EU member states to protect the rights of indigenous peoples across the globe through measures including considering indigenous rights impacts of trade deals and corporate liability for foreign conduct.
UK Committee Seeks ECJ Control to Strike Security Deal
August 03, 2018
The Independent reports that the UK House of Commons’ Home Affairs Committee has criticized British and EU negotiators for failing to strike a security deal in Brexit talks, pushing for the British government to submit to the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) to ensure continued access to criminal and terrorist databases and to the European Arrest Warrant mechanism.
Amnesty Pushes for EU Scrutiny of Hungarian NGO, Assembly Laws
August 03, 2018
Amnesty International has published an article calling for EU leaders to follow up their launch of infringement proceedings against Hungary’s treatment of asylum seekers with legal pressure on Hungarian legislation providing for a tax on nongovernmental organizations deemed to be “supporting migration” and permitting police to ban certain assemblies.
NGO Condemns EU Plans for Migration Centers
August 03, 2018
The nongovernmental organization Oxfam has “condemned” the European Commission’s proposals for migrant centers inside and outside the EU, asserting that the only way to deal with migration into the bloc is to prioritize migrant needs and rights and set up a system of responsibility sharing for refugees.
EC Describes Options for Migration Centers
August 03, 2018
The European Commission (EC) has outlined potential options for “controlled centres” in the EU, where migrants entering the bloc could be kept as the government sorts out their asylum claims, and “regional disembarkation arrangements,” to shelter those rescued from the Mediterranean in countries outside the EU.