EU Auditors Call for Clearer Criteria in Rule-of-Law Plans
July 30, 2018
The European Court of Auditors has issued a report applauding the European Commission’s (EC) proposal to condition EU development funding on respect for the rule of law but pushing the EC to make clear the guidance it will follow in assessing national rule-of-law situations.
Eurostat Reviews EU Climate, Economic Progress
July 30, 2018
EU statistics agency Eurostat has published its annual review of progress member states are making toward delivering the EU’s broad “Europe 2020” strategy, which calls for the promotion of employment and economic growth alongside a “greener” society to help combat climate change.
EU Committee Critiques Austria’s Prioritization of Security
July 30, 2018
Representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee recently pushed back on the “Europe that protects” program the Austrian government has offered as it takes control of the rotating EU presidency, calling for the expansion of the program from a focus on migration to focuses on environmental, human rights, and inequality issues.
EU Official Touts Role of Interest Groups in Energy Policy
July 30, 2018
At a recent European Economic and Social Committee meeting on the transition to renewable energy in the EU, European Commissioner for energy Maroš Šefčovič highlighted the important role environmental interest groups must play in shaping EU-wide policy toward a centralized Energy Union.
EC Issues Report on Members’ Compliance with EU Rules
July 30, 2018
The European Commission (EC) recently published its Annual Report on monitoring the application of EU law with the aim of encouraging better and smoother member-state compliance with EU rules and naming and shaming countries that failed to effectively implement EU legislation.