EC Supports Integration Through DiscoverEU Project
July 25, 2018
The European Commission (EC) has selected 15,000 young Europeans to participate in the first round of the DiscoverEU initiative, which offers them travel funding to explore other EU member states with the aim of making them “ambassadors” for the EU project and supportive of political integration.
EU Institutions Agree to Renewable Energy Legislation
July 24, 2018
The Council of the EU has announced that EU ambassadors have reached a deal with the European Parliament on a proposal to revise the EU’s renewable energy directive to help fulfill European commitments under the UN’s Paris climate accord with a target of 32 percent renewable energy in Europe by the year 2030.
EU Ambassadors Agree Direction of “Solidarity Corps”
July 24, 2018
An article from the Council of the EU describes an agreement among ambassadors for EU member states on funding for and future activities of the European Solidarity Corps and outlines the purposes of the project focused on the political integration of the EU as promoting a “tangible expression of European values.”
ECJ Official Finds High Bar for EAW Refusal
July 24, 2018
The Court of Justice of the EU’s (ECJ) Advocate General Evgeni Tanchev has found that national judges deciding on the execution of a European Arrest Warrant (EAW) issued by a government in breach of rule-of-law norms must determine whether the specific subject of the EAW would experience an unfair trial if sent to the issuing country.
ECJ Official Casts Doubt on Barriers to EU Residence Rights
July 24, 2018
Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) Paolo Mengozzi has found that EU law prohibits national governments from conditioning the grant of an autonomous residence permit to a person who already has a right to family reunification on the person’s passage of a second “civic integration” examination.