European Institutions

  • Article: Poor External Border Security Threatens Schengen

    July 13, 2018

    An article in The Economist considers the roots of the ongoing migration crisis in Europe as a function of European leaders who established the passport-free Schengen travel area and were only “dimly aware that eliminating internal borders required strengthening external ones.”

  • EU Parliament Rejects Proposed Copyright Reforms

    July 13, 2018

    Politico reports that the European Parliament has rejected a proposal that would have required internet companies like Facebook and Google to step up their enforcement of EU copyright rules on their platforms and would have granted copyright license holders more power to enforce their rights against encroachment in online fora.

  • Lawyer: EU Procurement Rules Could Support Foreign Lawsuits

    July 12, 2018

    Eamonn Conlon of the law firm A&L Goodbody asserts that the 2014 EU Procurement Directives, as transposed into the national laws of EU members, could be the basis for a cause of action against companies that have procurement contracts with governments for labor rights abuses in foreign countries.

  • German Official Presses EC on Post-Brexit Security Deal

    July 12, 2018

    Politico reports that German Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer has sent a letter to the European Commission (EC) warning that the body’s inflexibility on post-Brexit security arrangements is risking the lives of Europeans and calling for a “full security partnership with the UK” after Brexit.

  • Paper Outlines UK Plan for “Common Rulebook” with EU

    July 12, 2018

    The UK Prime Minister’s plan for an economic deal with the EU after Brexit, agreed by her cabinet last week, would create a free trade area and “common rulebook” between the UK and the EU for goods, strike a treaty committing to “ongoing harmonisation with EU rules on goods,” and establish a “joint reference procedure” for UK and EU courts.

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