UK Lawmaker: EU Obstinacy Must Mean “No Deal” Brexit
July 12, 2018
UK Member of Parliament Craig Mackinlay argues that the UK government, recognizing that the EU institutions are not above inflicting damage on their members to maintain the integrity of the bloc during Brexit and to advance their integrationist mission, must immediately prepare for a “no-deal” Brexit as the “Global Option” for Britain.
UK Leader Triggers Blowback over “Common Rulebook” Plan
July 11, 2018
The BBC reports that UK Prime Minister Theresa May has divided her Conservative Party by adopting a Brexit negotiating position that would see the UK maintain a “common rulebook” with the EU, prompting resignations from her cabinet and critiques that such a plan would straitjacket UK trade policy.
Lawyer Critiques UK Plans to Remain in EU Internal Market
July 11, 2018
Victoria Hewson, a lawyer from the Institute of Economic Affairs in London, explains why UK government plans to remain in the EU’s internal market for goods are illusory given the result of the country’s Brexit referendum, as the EU would require the UK to accept all of its regulations as well as the principle of free movement in return for such access.
Rees-Mogg Explains Benefits of "Outward-Looking" Brexit
July 11, 2018
UK Member of Parliament Jacob Rees-Mogg recently delivered a lecture in which he outlined a robust view of an outward-facing Britain that looks beyond the “narrow European sphere” and is “open to the world” and true to its long constitutional tradition after its departure from the EU.
ECB Chief Seeks Eurozone Fund for Debt Crises
July 10, 2018
European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi recently called for a new "fiscal instrument" through which the ECB would provide government-backed relief to struggling eurozone governments facing penalties from investors during debt crises, as an "extra layer of stabilisation" aimed to continue EU economic convergence through large shocks.