EU Institutions Plan Comprehensive ePrivacy Rules
May 24, 2018
Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl of DIGITALEUROPE examines the development by EU institutions of an ePrivacy Regulation that would go farther than the onerous General Data Protection Regulation in imposing requirements aimed at maintaining privacy in electronic communications, thus determining "how all present and future digital technologies and devices function."
Rees-Mogg: Call the Bluff of EU Negotiators on Irish Border
May 24, 2018
The Express reports that UK Member of Parliament and head of the European Research Group Jacob Rees-Mogg has called on Brexit negotiators to call the bluff of EU officials rejecting UK plans for minimal border disruptions between Ireland and Northern Ireland and ramp up preparations for a scenario in which there is no withdrawal deal between the UK and EU.
German Church Faces Employment Lawsuits After ECJ Ruling
May 24, 2018
The Catholic Herald reports that the German Catholic Church is reviewing its employment policies for conflicts with EU anti-discrimination laws after the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) placed limits on the ways in which churches can use religious affiliation as an employment qualification and subjected such employment decisions to judicial review.
Barnier Rejects UK Solutions on Irish Border
May 24, 2018
The Guardian reports that the European Commission's top Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier recently rejected two proposals from the UK aimed at preventing cumbersome customs checks along the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, claiming the EU would not accept British "cherry picking" in maintaining some commitments to EU rules while eschewing others.
Committee Seeks More "Political Ambition" in EU Budget
May 23, 2018
The European Economic and Social Committee recently hosted a meeting at which its leaders criticized the European Commission's proposal for a post-2020 EU budget as lacking "political ambition," calling for a budget increase despite Brexit and pushing for "greater conditionality" for access to EU funding.