EEA Drives EU Action on "Sustainability"
May 04, 2018
The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published a report demonstrating the body's commitment to the fulfillment of the UN's climate and sustainable development agendas by exploring how EU institutions and the bloc's member states must engage in "fundamental transitions of the consumption-production systems" to protect the environment.
EC Plans to Link Development Funding with Rule of Law
May 02, 2018
Reuters reports that the European Commission (EC) is preparing a proposal for an EU budget instrument conditioning development funding for EU members on adherence to "rule of law" norms, in an attempt to unify the bloc by threatening with funding cuts countries that fail to abide by the bloc's fundamental values.
CoE Body Seeks Repeal of Ukrainian NGO Reporting Rules
April 26, 2018
The Venice Commission, the Council of Europe's (CoE) advisory body for constitutional matters, has called on Ukrainian lawmakers to repeal or limit new financial disclosure requirements for nongovernmental organizations and activists due to their interference with the right to association and their potential chilling effect on civil society activity.
EC Official Rejects Polish Explanation of Judicial Changes
April 26, 2018
European Commission (EC) First Vice-President Frans Timmermans has dismissed a 94-page paper from the Polish government explaining the reasons its recent judicial changes comply with EU standards and are "inspired" by the systems of other EU members, arguing that the paper is "not the answer" to the EC proceedings against Poland for rule-of-law violations.
Expert Lists Viable Options for Post-Brexit UK-Irish Trade
April 26, 2018
Shanker Singham of the Institute of Economic Affairs explains a variety of options available to British, Irish, and EU policymakers in avoiding a "hard" border on the island of Ireland after Brexit and writes that there is no reason, aside from lack of political will, that negotiators cannot agree an acceptable arrangement on the issue.